Grand Maximus

Grand Maximus

Grand Maximus is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Grand Maximus

caption =Grand Maximus in Masterforce
affiliation =Autobot
rank = 10
subgroup =Headmasters, Pretenders
function =Solar System Commander
partner =Cog
motto =
alternatemodes =Battle Station, City, Head
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =Ikuya Sawaki
Grand Maximus is the brother of Fortress Maximus. []

Animated series

Japan continued their trend of exclusive series in 1988 with "Transformers: Super-God Masterforce", which took place a few years after the events of "Headmasters". Fortress himself put in one very brief cameo in the show, appearing as barely identifiable behind a communication screen full of static, but the series featured a very similar character - his younger brother, Grand. The Grand Maximus toy was the same as Fortress Maximus, except for its new coloration, and the most notable change - the Headmaster component, Grand (the redeco of Fortress/Cerebros), now possessed a Pretender shell.

Grand was among the Transformers who went with Fortress to Master, where he became a Headmaster, before leaving the planet and teaming up with a small group of Autobots lead by Metalhawk. Metalhawk's team pursued another group of Decepticons through space, and they both wound up crashing on Earth several thousand years ago. There, in order to blend in with the primitive humans, the Autobots used their Pretender abilities to shrink their bodies down into the form of humans themselves. The Decepticons, on the other hand, took the form of monstrous creatures, terrorising early man as demons until Metalhawk, Grand and the other Autobot Pretenders defeated and imprisoned them.

It is not clear at what point it occurred, but eventually, Grand rejoined his brother and the other Autobots in space, where the main conflict with the Decepticons occurred post-2011. When the Autobots discovered that the Decepticon super-weapon Black Zarak was heading towards Earth, Grand was dispatched to warn the Pretenders, arriving on Earth ahead of Black Zarak in his own downsized Maximus-style battleship (where Fortress's battleship was sized to transport Transformers, Grand's was sized to transport humans and human-disguised Transformers like himself and the other Pretenders). Grand gave the Autobots the plans necessary to create a drone named God Bomber, who would be able to combine with Ginrai, giving him the power to defeat Black Zarak.

When God Ginrai clashed with Black Zarak and Overlord on Earth's moon, Grand joined the fight, shedding his Pretender disguising and combining with his battleship to form Grand Maximus. With their combined strength, they defeated the two Decepticons, and Grand Maximus pusued the fleeing BlackZarak back into space. However, in the time they then spent in the void, BlackZarak mastered localised gravity manipulation, and trapped Grand Maximus within a black hole until God Ginrai rescued him, briefly leaving the Earth open for BlackZarak to attack. Grand Maximus then participated in the resultant series of battles which culminated in the destruction of BlackZarak and Devil Z, and he returned to join the ongoing battle in space.

Like his brother, Grand Maximus was also voiced by Ikuya Sawaki.


*Generation 1 Grand Maximus:A remold of Fortress Maximus. Only released in Japan. []


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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