- Ixion
Greek mythology , Ixion [Greek "Ιξίων" with a long "ι," Latin "Ixīōn"] was king of theLapiths , the most ancient tribe ofThessaly , and a son ofAres orAntion or the notorious evildoerPhlegyas , whose name connotes "fiery". Peirithoös [Peirithoös, too slew a kinsman, which occasioned his wandering in search of "catharsis ".] was his son (or stepson, ifZeus were his father, as the sky-god claims to Hera in "Iliad" 14). ["come, let us turn to lovemaking. For never did such desire for goddess or woman ever flood over me, taming the heart in my breast, not even when I loved Ixion's wife, who bore Peirithoös, the gods' equal in counsel..." Tactless, Zeus lists several more of his conquests to Hera.] Ixion married Dia, [Dia "is only another name for Hebe, the daughter of Hera, and indeed was probably the name for Hera herself, as 'she who belongs to Zeus' or 'the Heavenly one'" (Kerenyi 1951:159). ] a daughter ofDeioneus (or Eioneus) and promised his father-in-law a valuable present. However, he did not pay thebride price , so Deioneus stole some of Ixion's horses in retaliation. Ixion concealed his resentment and invited his father-in-law to a feast atLarissa . When Deioneus arrived, Ixion pushed him into a bed of burning coals and wood. These circumstances are secondary to the fact of Ixion's primordial act of murder: in theGreek Anthology (iii.12), among a collection of inscriptions from a temple in Cyzicus is an epigrammatic description of Ixion slayingPhorbas and Polymelos, who had slain his mother, Megara.Ixion went mad, defiled by his act; the neighboring princes were so offended by this act of treachery and violation of "xenia" that they refused to perform the rituals that would cleanse Ixion of his guilt (see "
catharsis "). Thereafter, Ixion lived as an outlaw and shunned. By killing his father-in-law, Ixion was reckoned the first man guilty of kin-slaying in Greek mythology. That alone would warrant him a terrible punishment.However,
Zeus had pity on Ixion and brought him toOlympus and introduced him at the table of the gods. Instead of being grateful, Ixion grew lustful forHera , [He was already wedded to her double, Dia.] Zeus's consort, a further violation of guest-host relations. Zeus found out about his intentions and made a cloud in the shape of Hera, which became known asNephele , and tricked Ixion into coupling with it. From the union of Ixion and the false-Hera cloud came Centauros, who covered theMagnesia n mares on Mount Pelion, Pindar told, [Pindar, Second Pythian Ode.] engendering the race ofCentaur s, who are called theIxionidae from their descent.Ixion was expelled from Olympus and blasted with a
thunderbolt . Zeus orderedHermes to bind Ixion to a winged fiery wheel that was always spinning; ["On an Etruscan mirror, Ixion is shown spread-eagled to a firewheel, with mushroom tinder at his feet" (Graves 1960,63.2) The wheel has been recognized as the solar wheel at least since Arthur Bernard Cook, "Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion", 1914, pp 197-98, and pl. XVII, the bronze Etruscan mirror engraved with Ixion on his wheel.] only whenOrpheus played his lyre did it stop for a while. Therefore, Ixion is bound to a burning solar wheel for all eternity, at first spinning across the heavens, [The meticulous Pindar mentions the feathers.] but in later myth transferred toTartarus (Kerenyi 1951:160).In the fifth century,
Pindar 's Second Pythian Ode (ca. 476-68 BCE) expands on the example of Ixion, applicable toHiero I of Syracuse , the tyrant of whom the poet sings; andAeschylus ,Euripides and Timasitheos each wrote a tragedy of Ixion: none have survived.ee also
Wanyūdō Notes
Primary sources
Pindar . "Pythian Odes", II.21-48. ( [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/searchresults.jsp?q=Pindar+Pythian+Ode On-line text] )
*The story of Ixion is also told by Pseudo-Apollodorus "Epitome of the "Bibliotheca", 1.20;Diodorus Siculus , 4.69.3-.5; Hyginus, "Fabulae " 33 (mention) and 62;Virgil in "Georgics " 4 and "Aeneid " 6, and byOvid in "Metamorphoses" 12.
*Lucian of Samosata , "Dialogues of the Gods" ( [http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/luc/wl1/wl116.htm On-line text in English] )econdary sources
*Graves, Robert, (1955) 1960. "The Greek Myths", Section 63 "passim".
*Kerenyi, Karl. "The Gods of the Greeks". London: Thames & Hudson, 1951 (pp. 158-160).Other sources
* [http://www.pantheon.org/articles/i/ixion.html Encyclopedia Mythica - Ixion]
External links
* [http://www.maicar.com/GML/Ixion.html Greek Mythology Link (Carlos Parada) - Ixion]
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