88th Regiment of Foot (Highland Volunteers)

88th Regiment of Foot (Highland Volunteers)

The 88th Regiment of Foot (Highland Volunteers), or Campbell's Highlanders, was an infantry regiment of the British Army, formed in 1760 and disbanded in 1763.

The regiment was raised at Stirling in January 1760 out of a cadre taken from the 87th Foot (itself formed from a cadre of the 42nd Foot, the Black Watch, the previous year).

The regiment was moved to Germany that year, where it fought at Warburg and Villinghausen. It returned to Scotland from the continent in late 1762, and was disbanded at Linlithgow in July 1763.

The unofficial title Campbell's Highlanders was adopted from its first Lieutenant-Colonel-Commandant, John Campbell of Dunoon; a similar title was used, at the same time, by the 100th Foot.


* [http://www.regiments.org/regiments/uk/inf/088cbell.htm 88th Regiment of Foot (Campbell's Highlanders)] , regiments.org

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