- Ratio distribution
A ratio distribution (or "quotient distribution") is a
statistical distribution constructed as the distribution of theratio of random variables having two other distributions.Given two stochastic variables "X" and "Y", the distribution of the stochastic variable "Z" that is formed as the ratio:
is a "ratio distribution".
Cauchy distribution is an example of a ratio distribution. The random variable associated with this distribution comes about as the ratio of two Gaussian distributed variables with zero mean. Thus the Cauchy distribution is also called the "normal ratio distribution".A number of researchers have considered more general ratio distributions.Cite journal
title = The Frequency Distribution of the Quotient of Two Normal Variates
author =R. C. Geary
journal =Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
volume = 93
issue = 3
year = 1930
pages = 442–446
doi = 10.2307/2342070
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0952-8385(1930)93%3A3%3C442%3ATFDOTQ%3E2.0.CO%3B2-V] [Cite journal
title = The Distribution of the Index in a Normal Bivariate Population
author =E. C. Fieller
journal =Biometrika
volume = 24
issue = 3/4
month = November
year = 1932
pages = 428–440
doi = 10.2307/2331976
url = http://biomet.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/citation/24/3-4/428 ] Cite journal
author =J. H. Curtiss
title = On the Distribution of the Quotient of Two Chance Variables
journal =The Annals of Mathematical Statistics
volume = 12
issue = 4
month = December
year = 1941
pages = 409–421
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-4851(194112)12%3A4%3C409%3AOTDOTQ%3E2.0.CO%3B2-O
doi = 10.1214/aoms/1177731679 ] [George Marsaglia (April 1964). " [http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?&verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0600972 Ratios of Normal Variables and Ratios of Sums of Uniform Variables] ".Defense Technical Information Center .] [Cite journal
author =George Marsaglia
title = Ratios of Normal Variables and Ratios of Sums of Uniform Variables
journal =Journal of the American Statistical Association
volume = 60
issue = 309
month = March
year = 1965
pages = 193–204
doi = 10.2307/2283145
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0162-1459(196503)60%3A309%3C193%3ARONVAR%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2] Cite journal
author =D. V. Hinkley
title = On the Ratio of Two Correlated Normal Random Variables
journal =Biometrika
volume = 56
issue = 3
month = December
year = 1969
pages = 635–639
doi = 10.2307/2334671
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0006-3444(196912)56%3A3%3C635%3AOTROTC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2] Cite journal
author =Jack Hayya ,Donald Armstrong andNicolas Gressis
title = A Note on the Ratio of Two Normally Distributed Variables
journal = Management Science
year = 1975
volume = 21
issue = 11
pages = 1338–1341
month = July
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0025-1909(197507)21%3A11%3C1338%3AANOTRO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2] Cite book
author =Melvin Dale Springer
title = The Algebra of Random Variables
publisher =Wiley
year = 1979
isbn = 0-471-01406-0] Cite journal
journal =
publisher =Taylor & Francis
volume = 35
issue = 9
year = 2006
pages = 1569–1591
doi = 10.1080/03610920600683689
title = Density of the Ratio of Two Normal Random Variables and Applications
author =T. Pham-Gia ,N. Turkkan andE. Marchand ] Two distribution often used in test-statistics, the "t"-distribution and the "F"-distribution, are also ratio distributions: The "t"-distributed random variable is the ratio of a Gaussian random variable divided by an independent chi-distributed random variable, while the "F"-distributed random variable is the ratio of two independent chi-square distributed random variables.Often the ratio distributions are
heavy-tailed , and it may be difficult to work with such distributions and develop an associatedstatistical test .A method based on themedian has been suggested as a "work-around" [Cite journal
title = Significance and statistical errors in the analysis of DNA microarray data
author =James P. Brody ,Brian A. Williams ,Barbara J. Wold , andStephen R. Quake
journal =Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
year = 2002
month = October
volume = 99
issue = 20
pages = 12975–12978
doi = 10.1073/pnas.162468199] .Algebra of random variables
The ratio is one type of algebra for random variables:Related to the ratio distribution are the
product distribution ,sum distribution anddifference distribution . More general, one may talk of combinations of sum, differences, products and ratios.Many of these distributions are described inMelvin D. Springer 's book from 1979 "The Algebra of Random Variables".The algebraic rules known with ordinary numbers do not apply for the algebra of random variables.For example, if a product is "C = AB" and a ratio is "D=C/A" it does not necessarily mean that the distributions of "D" and "B" are the same. Indeed, a peculiar effect is seen for the
Cauchy distribution : The product and the ratio of two independent Cauchy distributions (with the same scale parameter and the location parameter set to zero) will give the same distribution.This becomes evident when regarding the Cauchy distribution as itself a ratio distribution of two Gaussian distributions: Consider two Cauchy random variables, and each constructed from two Gaussian distributions and then:
where . The first term is the ratio of two Cauchy distributions while the last term is the product of two such distributions.
A way of deriving the ratio distribution of "Z" from the joint distribution of the two other stochastic variables, "X" and "Y", is by integration of the following form
This is not always straightforward.
Mellin transform has also been suggested for derivation of ratio distributions.Gaussian ratio distribution
When "X" and "Y" are independent and have a
Gaussian distribution with zero mean the form of their ratio distribution is fairly simple: It is aCauchy distribution .However, when the two distributions have non-zero mean then the form for the distribution of the ratio is much more complicated. In 1969David Hinkley found a form for this distribution. In the absence of correlation (cor("X","Y") = 0), theprobability density function of the two normal variable "X" = "N"("μX", "σX"2) and "Y" = "N"("μY", "σY"2) ratio "Z" = "X"/"Y" is given by the following expression::
The above expression becomes even more complicated if the variables "X" and "Y" are correlated.It can also be shown that "p"("z") is a standard
Cauchy distribution if "μX" = "μY" = 0, and "σX" = "σY" = 1. In such case "b"("z") = 0, and :If , or the more general Cauchy distribution is obtained
where ρ is the
correlation coefficient between "X" and "Y" and:
The complex distribution has also been expressed with Kummer's
confluent hypergeometric function or theHermite function .A transformation to Gaussianity
A transformation has been suggested so that, under certain assumptions, the transformed variable "T" would approximately have a standard Gaussian distribution:: The transformation has been called the Geary-Hinkley transformation, and the approximation is good if "Y" is unlikely to assume negative values.
Uniform ratio distribution
With two random variables following a
uniform distribution , e.g., : the ratio distribution becomes:Cauchy ratio distribution
If two random variables, "X" and "Y" follows a
Cauchy distribution : then the ratio distribution for the random variable is:
This is also the
product distribution of the random variableRatio distributions in multivariate analysis
Ratio distributions also appear in
multivariate analysis . If the random matrices X and Y follow aWishart distribution then the ratio of thedeterminant s:
is proportional to the product of independent F random variables. In the case where X and Y are from independent standardized
Wishart distribution s then the ratio : has aWilks' lambda distribution .References
Eric Weisstein and others, [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RatioDistribution.html Ratio Distribution] ,MathWorld .
*Eric Weisstein and others, [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NormalRatioDistribution.html Normal Ratio Distribution] ,MathWorld .
* [http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath042/kmath042.htm Ratio Distributions] at MathPagesNotes
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