- Polymnestus
ancient Greece , Polymnestus was, withPhronime , the father ofBattus I of Cyrene .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
POLYMNESTUS — Mileti fil. poera Colophonius, carmen Orthium vel, ut alii vocent, Orthrium, conscripsit: item quod ab eo Polymnestium dictum est. Sminthia quoque in Rhodo cecinit, ut ex Athenaeo videre est. Ob foeditatem reprehensus, ab Aristophane in Equitibus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ПОЛИМНЕСТ — • Polymnestus, Πολύμνηστος, 1. отец Батта из Феры, основал Кирену. Pind. pyth. 4, 59. Hdt. 4, 155; 2. поэт, известный скабрезными стихотворениями, из Колофона; отсюда выражение τὰ Πολυμνήστεια ποιει̃ν, сочинять… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Battus I of Cyrene — or Battus I (Battus in Greek: Βάττος Ἀριστοτέλης), lived in the 7th century BC. He came from the island of Thera (modern Santorini),and later founded the colony of Cyrenaica and its capital, Cyrene. He was the first king of Cyrenaica and also the … Wikipedia
Arcesilaus I of Cyrene — Arcesilaus I or Arcesilaus I of Cyrene (Greek: ο Ἀρκεσίλαος; flourished 7th and 6th century BC) was the second Greek king of Cyrenaica and the second king of the Battiad dynasty. Arcesilaus was the son of Battus I, the first king of Cyrenaica and … Wikipedia
РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ СТАТЕЙ — Абант Άβας Danaus Абанты Άβαντες Абарис Άβαρις Абдера Abdera Абдулонома Абдул Abdulonymus Абелла Abella Абеллинум Abellinum Абеона Abeona Абидос или Абид… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
ETEARCHUS — Oaxi, civitatis Creticae Rex, qui amislâ uxore filiae suae Phronimae novercam superinduxit, quae domum ingressa ut erat, sese reipsâ novercam praestitit, cum laedendo, atque omne iniuriarum genus excogitando, tum ad extremum impudicitiam ei… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
TIBIA — I. TIBIA Phrygia, in universum sic dicta, Suidas: Τιβία. Φρυγία ὅλη. Vide Palmer. p. 575. II. TIBIA instrumentum maxime ὀργιαςικὸν καὶ παθητικὸν, Atistoteli in Politicis, et Appuleio Miles. l. 5. qui proin, uti loqui de cithara, canere de choro,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Πολυμνήστει' — Πολυμνήστεια , Πολυμνήστεια songs of Polymnestus neut nom/voc/acc pl … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
Πολυμνήστεια — songs of Polymnestus neut nom/voc/acc pl … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)