Faculty psychology

Faculty psychology

Faculty psychology views the mind as a collection of separate modules or faculties assigned to various mental tasks. The view is explicit in the psychological writings of the medieval scholastic theologians, such as Thomas Aquinas.

It is also present, though more implicitly, in Franz Joseph Gall's formulation of phrenology, the now-disreputable practice of measuring personality traits by measuring bumps on one's head. However, faculty psychology has been revived in Jerry Fodor's concept of modularity of mind, the supposition that different modules manage sensory input and other mental functions.

External links

* [http://employees.csbsju.edu/esass/facultypsychology.htm Faculty Psychology and Mental Discipline - A Brief Overview]
* [http://cog.brown.edu:16080/Courses/63/facultypsychology.html Early Faculty Psychology]

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