ARISTOMACHUS — I. ARISTOMACHUS Atheniensis scriptor, de vini apparatu. Plin. l. 14. c. 19. Item vir, Solis oriundus, qui amore apum sic flagravit; ut duo de sexaginta annis nihil aliud fecerit. Plin. l. 11. c. 9. et l. 13. c. 24. II. ARISTOMACHUS Heracleota,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
АРИСТОМАХ — • Aristomachus, см. Hercules, 16., Геркулес … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Heracleidae — In Greek mythology, the Heracleidae or Heraclids were the numerous descendants of Heracles (Hercules), especially applied in a narrower sense to the descendants of Hyllus, the eldest of his four sons by Deianira (Hyllus was also sometimes thought … Wikipedia
Hyllus — is also a genus of jumping spiders.In Greek mythology, Hyllus (also Hyllas or Hylles) was the son of Heracles and Deianira, husband of Iole, nursed by Abia.Heracles, whom Zeus had originally intended to be ruler of Argos, Lacedaemon and Messenian … Wikipedia
Orion (mythology) — For other uses, see Orion (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Arion. An engraving of Orion from Johann Bayer s Uranometria, 1603 (US Naval Observatory Library) Orion (Greek: Ὠρίων … Wikipedia
Список персонажей древнегреческой мифологии, чья родина неизвестна — В этой статье собраны данные о персонажах древнегреческой мифологии, чья родина не упоминается в источниках. Содержание 1 Женихи Гипподамии 2 Участники похода против Фив … Википедия
Список персонажей древнегреческой мифологии — Список персонажей древнегреческой мифологии, чья родина неизвестна В этой статье собраны данные о персонажах древнегреческой мифологии, чья родина не упоминается в источниках. Содержание 1 Женихи Гипподамии 2 Участники похода против Фив … Википедия
List of Greek mythological figures — A listing of Greek mythological beings. Many of the gods and goddesses had Roman and Etruscan equivalents. See also family tree of the Greek gods and the list of Greek mythological creatures. For a list of the deities of many cultures (including… … Wikipedia
Hippomedon — In Greek mythology, Hippomedon was one of the Seven Against Thebes and father of Polydorus. His father was either Talaus, the father of Adrastus, or Aristomachus, his brother, and his mother may have been Metidice, Adrastus sister. He lived… … Wikipedia
Cleodaeus — In Greek mythology, Cleodaeus was one of the Heracleidae, a grandson of Heracles. He was the son of Heracles s eldest son Hyllus and Iole of Oechalia. He became father of Aristomachus, who led the third attempt to capture Mycenae and… … Wikipedia