- List of Fullmetal Alchemist chapters
This is a list of chapters for the manga series "
Fullmetal Alchemist " byHiromu Arakawa . The plot follows the adventures of two brothers, alchemists named Edward andAlphonse Elric , who want to recover parts of their bodies they lost in an attempt to bring their mother back to life."Fullmetal Alchemist" has been serialized in
Square Enix 's monthly anthology manga magazine "Monthly Shonen Gangan " since July 2001 and is still ongoing with a new chapter in every issue. As of August 2008, 20 graphic novel compilations have been released, while the individual chapter are still being serialized.cite web|url=http://gangan.square-enix.co.jp/hagaren/lineup/index.html|title=鋼の錬金術師 ハガレンWeb研究所 lineup|publisher=Square Enix |language= Japanese| accessdate=2008-07-15] The animation studio Bones adapted the manga into a 51-episode anime series, directed bySeiji Mizushima and co-produced by Bones,Mainichi Broadcasting System andAniplex with character designs by Yoshiyuki Ito and scripts bySho Aikawa , which ran on theMainichi Broadcasting System , TBS, andAnimax in Japan from October 4, 2003 to October 2, 2004. [cite web | title=Fullmetal Alchemist on YTV|publisher=Anime News Network|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2960|accessdate=2008-04-14]Viz Media began releasing the manga in North America in May 2005;cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5102|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.1|publisher=Viz Media |accessdate=2008-03-15] since then, sixteen English-language volumes have been released.cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6621|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.16|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15] Due to the rate that Viz Media initially introduced the graphic novels, the English translation quickly caught up to the Japanese release, having already covered most of the series' bound volume releases to date.In
Singapore , the manga is being released byChuang Yi Publishing in both English andSimplified Chinese . sixteen volumes have been released in English; fourteen volumes have been released in Simplified Chinese. InPoland , JPFantastica is releasing the manga;cite web |url=http://www.jpf.com.pl/szablon_tytuly.php?id=fullmetal_alchemist |title=Tytuły/Fullmetal Alchemist |language= Polish|publisher=J. P. Fantastica |accessdate=2008-07-16] as of June 2008, eleven volumes have been released. InFrance , the manga is being released by Kurokawa.cite web |url=http://www.kurokawa.fr/shonen/fiche/16/fullmetal-alchemist-t1 |title=FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - T1 |publisher=Kurokawa |language= French|accessdate=2008-07-16] As of February 2008, fifteen volumes have been released.cite web |url=http://www.kurokawa.fr/shonen/fiche/2/fullmetal-alchemist-t15 |title=FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - T15 |publisher=Kurokawa |language= French|accessdate=2008-07-16] Volume eight, released in September 2006, was available alonecite web |url=http://www.kurokawa.fr/shonen/fiche/15/fullmetal-alchemist-t8 |title=FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - T8 |publisher=Kurokawa |accessdate=2008-07-16 fr icon] or in a collector's edition, which consisted of the book packed with the original humorous novel "Flame Alchemist", focusing on Roy Mustang's schedule.cite web |url=http://www.kurokawa.fr/shonen/fiche/21/fullmetal-alchemist-t8 |title=FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST - T8 |publisher=Kurokawa |language= French|accessdate=2008-07-16] cite web |url=http://www.amazon.fr/dp/2351421116/ |title=Amazon.fr: Fullmetal Alchemist, Tome 8 : Avec supplément Flame Alchemist |publisher=Amazon.com |language= French|accessdate=2008-07-16] Before that, this novel was only available with the limited edition of volume six in Japan,cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757510489/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 6 特装版 (6): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15] making it highly collectible. InBrazil ,Editora JBC is releasing the manga.cite web |url=http://mangasjbc.uol.com.br/titulos/fullmetal-alchemist |title=Mangás JBC » Fullmetal Alchemist - Editora JBC |language= Portuguese|publisher=Editora JBC |accessdate=2008-07-16] As of September 2008, 34 volumes, equivalent to seventeen, have been released.Volume list
"Note: Viz's official English-translated titles through chapter 65, unofficial Japanese translations thereafter."Graphic novel list/header
Language = Japanese
SecondLanguage = North American
Width = 99%Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 1
OriginalRelDate = January, 2002cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757506201/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (1): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-0620-6
LicensedRelDate =May 3 ,2005
LicensedISBN = 978-1-59116-920-8
ChapterList =
* 1. nihongo|The Two Alchemists|二人の錬金術師|Futari no Renkinjutsushi
* 2. nihongo|The Price of Life|命の代価|Inochi no Daika
* 3. nihongo|The Mining Town|炭鉱の街|Tankō no Machi
* 4. nihongo|Battle on the Train|車上の戦い|Shajō no Tatakai
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
*Edward Elric
*Alphonse Elric ; Spine character
* Edward Elric
Summary = The Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse, tried to bring their mother from back from the dead using ancient, but forbidden, alchemical experiments. In the process Edward lost his left leg, and Alphonse lost his body; to bring back Alphonse, Edward sacrifices his right arm to attach Alphonse's soul to a suit of armour.Years later, they arrive in the desert city of Lior in search of a legendary alchemical artifact, the Philosopher's Stone, which has become their only hope of recovering their original bodies. Edward is now a State Alchemist, using his position to obtain the resources to enable his and Alphonse's search. The brothers are forced to deal with a corrupt religious leader using a mysterious red stone which imitates the power of a true Philosopher's Stone to create "miracles".
Soon afterward,
Roy Mustang - a military official - tricks the Elric brothers into boarding a train carrying General Haruko, and an enemy of the Eastern Rebellion. The Elric brothers are entangled in military affairs and are forced to fight a group of terrorists on board in order to save the General. Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 2
OriginalRelDate =May 22 ,2002 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757506996/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (2): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-0699-2
LicensedRelDate =July 5 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5199|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.2|publisher=Viz Media |accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-59116-923-9
ChapterList =
* 5. nihongo|The Alchemist's Suffering|錬金術師の苦悩|Renkinjutsushi no Kunō
* 6. nihongo|The Right Hand of Destruction|破壊の右手|Hakai no Migite
* 7. nihongo|After the Rain|雨の後|Ame no Ato
* 8. nihongo|The Road of Hope|希望の道|Kibō no Michi
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric; Spine character
* Alphonse Elric
Summary = Edward and Alphonse seek an alternative means to regaining Edward's lost limbs and Roy Mustang directs them to meet with Shou Tucker, a State Alchemist known as a the "Sewing Life Alchemist". The brothers think they have found a temporary solution to their problems until the shocking truth about Tucker's life's work comes to light.Before he is brought to justice, Tucker is murdered by an infamous killer of State Alchemists known only as "Scar". The State Military moves to warn the Elric brothers about the potential danger they may be in, only to lead Scar right to them. Edward's arm and Alphonse's armor are damaged in the resulting skirmish and must return to their hometown of Resembool to receive medical and mechanical aid while under the protection of Major Alex Louis Armstrong. They become sidetracked when they accidentally run into Dr. Tim Marcoh, a former State Alchemist who worked as a doctor during the Ishvalan War.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 3
OriginalRelDate =September 21 ,2002 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757507917/|language= Japanese|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (3): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-0791-3
LicensedRelDate =September 6 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5200|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.3|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-59116-925-3
ChapterList =
* 9. nihongo|A Home with a Family Waiting|家族の待つ家|Kazoku no Matsu Ie
* 10. nihongo|The Philosopher's Stone|賢者の石|Kenja no Ishi
* 11. nihongo|The Two Guardians|二人の守護者|Futari no Shugosha
* 12. nihongo|The Definition of Human|『人間』の定義|"Ningen" no Teigi
* Gaiden. nihongo|The Military Festival|軍部の祭り|Gunbu no Matsuri
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Roy Mustang
* Riza Hawkeye
* Alex Louis Armstrong; Spine character
* Roy Mustang
Summary = Thanks to their friendWinry Rockbell , an automail expert from Resembool, the Elrics recover and head to Central City with Major Armstrong to find Dr. Marcoh's notebooks in the First Branch Library. Upon their arrival, they discover the library has been burnt to the ground, unaware the fire was caused by the Homunculi, Lust and Gluttony. A stroke of good luck allows them to recover a copy of Marcoh's notes from Sheska, a former librarian, but the brothers are shocked to discover the truth behind the Philosopher's Stone and the military's attempts to create it. They move through Central to infiltrate an abandoned facility known only as "Laboratory 5", where alchemical experiments were conduced using human sacrifices from a nearby prison; the Elrics are separated and forced to fight a pair of unusual guards.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 4
OriginalRelDate =January 22 ,2003 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757508557/|language= Japanese|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (4): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-0855-2
LicensedRelDate =November 8 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5354|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.4|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-59116-929-1
ChapterList =
* 13. nihongo|Fullmetal Body|鋼のからだ|Hagane no Karada
* 14. nihongo|An Only Child's Feelings|ひとりっ子の気持ち|Hitorikko no Kimochi
* 15. nihongo|Fullmetal Heart|鋼のこころ|Hagane no Kokoro
* 16. nihongo|Separate Paths|それぞれの行く先|Sorezore no Yukusaki
* Gaiden. nihongo|Dog of the Military?|軍の犬?|Gun no Inu?
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Scar
* Lust
* Gluttony
* Envy; Spine character
* Scar
Summary = Artificial humans known as Homunculi quickly incapacitate Edward when his arm fails to function, then proceed to destroy Laboratory 5, cutting short the fight between Alphonse and Number 66, a former prisoner alchemically similar to Alphonse. In the aftermath of the battle, Winry Rockbell arrives in Central to fix Edward's arm, while Alphonse begins to doubt his existence. The Elric brothers decide to head to Dublith for their next lead, while Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes discovers a terrifying secret behind some of the military's actions and decides to confront these truths himself. Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 5
OriginalRelDate =June 21 ,2003 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757509669/|language= Japanese|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (5): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-0966-5
LicensedRelDate =January 10 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5367|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.5|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0175-8
ChapterList =
* 17. nihongo|The Boomtown of the Broken Down|にわか景気の谷|Niwaka Keiki no Tani
* 18. nihongo|The Value of Sincerity|誠意の価値|Seii no Kachi
* 19. nihongo|I'll Do It for You Guys!|あんた達のかわりに|Anta-tachi no Kawari ni
* 20. nihongo|The Terror of the Teacher|師匠の恐怖|Shishō no Kyōfu
* 21. nihongo|The Brothers' Secret|二人だけの秘密|Futari dake no Himitsu
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Winry Rockbell
* Den
* Pinako Rockbell; Spine character
* Winry Rockbell
Summary = The Elric brothers along with Winry Rockbell arrive in a town called Rush Valley, which specialises in mechanic automail, on their way to Dublith. Winry decides to stay in Rush Valley as an apprentice under her new friend's father while the Elric brothers head to Dublith. Their old alchemy teacherIzumi Curtis and her husband quickly track them down and they are forced to reveal that Edward has become a State Alchemist, much to Izumi's displeasure.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 6
OriginalRelDate =October 22 ,2003 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757510470/|language= Japanese|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (6): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1047-0
LicensedRelDate =March 21 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5529|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.6|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0319-6
ChapterList =
* 22. nihongo|The Masked Man|仮面の男|Kamen no Otoko
* 23. nihongo|Knocking on Heaven's Door|叩け 天国の扉|Tatake - Tengoku no Tobira
* 24. nihongo|Fullmetal Alchemist|鋼の錬金術師|Hagane no Renkinjutsushi
* 25. nihongo|Master and Apprentice|師弟のけじめ|Shitei no Kejime
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Mason; Spine character
* Izumi Curtis
Summary = A flashback to the Elric brothers' younger days reveals the severe training they under went as Izumi's apprentices, their return to Resembool, where they performed their failed attempt to resurrect their dead mother, and the State Alchemy Exam. In the present however, Edward and Izumi try to think of a way to recover Alphonse's lost childhood memories, while Roy Mustang prepares to be transferred to Central from Eastern Headquarters.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 7
OriginalRelDate =March 22 ,2004 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757511655/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (7): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1165-1
LicensedRelDate =May 16 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5716|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.7|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0458-2
ChapterList =
* 26. nihongo|To Meet the Master|主の元へ|Shu no Moto e
* 27. nihongo|The Beasts of Dublith|ダブリスの獣たち|Daburisu no Kemono-tachi
* 28. nihongo|A Fool's Courage|匹夫の勇|Hippu no Otoko
* 29. nihongo|The Eye of the King|王の眼|Ō no Me
* Gaiden. nihongo|The Second Lieutenant Goes to Battle!|戦う 少尉さん|Tatakau - Shōi-san
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Greed
* Wrath; Spine character
* King Bradley/Wrath
Summary = While Edward is on study leave at South Headquarters for his annual assessment, Alphonse receives a note from a group of chimeras - former human experimental prisoners, initiating notes and confirming that they hold discrete information about him. Alphonse tries to force them to talk, but is captured and brought to the Devil's Nest bar, where he meets another Homunculus, Greed. Izumi and then Edward try to get Alphonse back, but both are thwarted by Greed. A military force under Führer King Bradley storms the Devil's Nest while Edward is fighting Greed in his true form, allowing the battle to end early.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 8
OriginalRelDate =July 22 ,2004 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757512309/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (8): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1230-6
LicensedRelDate =July 18 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5717|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.8|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0459-9
ChapterList =
* 30. nihongo|The Truth Inside the Armor|鎧の中 真理の奧|Yoroi no Naka - Shinri no Oku
* 31. nihongo|The Snake That Eats Its Own Tail|己の尾を噛む蛇|Onore no O o Kamu Hebi
* 32. nihongo|Emissary From the East|東方の使者|Tōhō no Shisha
* 33. nihongo|Showdown in Rush Valley|ラッシュバレーの攻防|Rasshu Barē no Kōbō
* Gaiden. nihongo|Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel|鋼の錬金術師 翔べない天使|Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Tobenai Tenshi
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Winry Rockbell
*Ling Yao
* Lan Fan
* Fu; Spine character
* Alex Louis Armstrong
Summary = Führer Bradley finishes off Greed and the surviving chimeras. Martel's blood triggers a reaction within Alphonse, giving him the memories from when he was taken by the Truth. In Central, Number 66 — also known as Barry the Chopper — attacks Riza Hawkeye, but fails, and subsequently makes a deal with the military. The Elric brothers return to Rush Valley to get Edward's automail fixed again, where they run into a prince of Xing, Ling Yao.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 9
OriginalRelDate =November 22 ,2004 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757513186/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (9): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1318-1
LicensedRelDate =September 19 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5718|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.9|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0460-5
ChapterList =
* 34. nihongo|The Footsteps of a War Comrade|戦友の足跡|Senyū no Sokuseki
* 35. nihongo|The Sacrificial Lamb|生け贄の羊|Ikenie no Hitsuji
* 36. nihongo|Alchemist in Distress|苦渋の錬金術師|Kujū no Renkinjutsushi
* 37. nihongo|The Body of a Criminal|咎人の肉体|Toganin no Nikutai
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Riza Hawkeye
* Jean Havoc
* Heymans Breda
* Kain Fuery
* Vato Falman
* Roy Mustang; Spine character
* Riza Hawkeye
Summary = Edward, Alphonse, and Winry Rockbell return to Central, where the Elric brothers intend to do further research on the Philosopher's Stone and its whereabouts. Meanwhile, Second Lieutenant Maria Ross is charged with the murder of Maes Hughes. When the brothers learn of Hughes' murder and Maria Ross' arrest and hurry to confirm if the information is true, they run into Number 66, who has broken both Maria Ross and Ling Yao out of prison, and Roy Mustang, who has been ordered to apprehend the second lieutenant.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 10
OriginalRelDate =March 11 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757513860/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (10): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1386-0
LicensedRelDate =November 21 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=5719|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.10|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0461-2
ChapterList =
* 38. nihongo|Signal to Strike|反撃ののろし|Hangeki no Noroshi
* 39. nihongo|Complications at Central|錯綜のセントラル|Sakusō no Sentoraru
* 40. nihongo|Philosopher from the West|西の賢者|Nishi no Kenja
* 41. nihongo|On the Palm of an Arrogant Human Being|小さな人間の傲慢な掌|Chiisana Ningen no Gōman na Te
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric; Spine character
* Ling Yao
Summary = Number 66 starts chasing his old body after it attacks him according Lust's orders, which triggers a battle between Alphonse, Number 66, Ling's men and Mustang's crew against the Homunculi. During the battle, Lust critically wounds Havoc, paralysing him below the waist. Mustang then kills Lust by repeatedly setting her on fire until her Philosopher's Stone is depleted. Meanwhile, Edward is taken by Major Armstrong to the ruins of Xerxes to find Maria Ross, who was supposedly killed by Mustang.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 11
OriginalRelDate =July 22 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757514964/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (11): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1496-6
LicensedRelDate =January 16 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6128|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.11|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0838-2
ChapterList =
* 42. nihongo|The Father Standing Before a Grave|墓前の父|Bozen no Chichi
* 43. nihongo|River of Mud|泥の河|Doro no Kawa
* 44. nihongo|The Unnamed Grave|名前の無い墓|Namae no Nai Haka
* 45. nihongo|Scar's Return|傷の男再び|Sukā Futatabi
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Van Hohenheim; Spine character
* Van Hohenheim
Summary = Edward returns to his hometown to learn more about his failed human transmutation and meets with his long gone father, Van Hohenheim. After Edward protests at his father's return and his absence during the brothers' childhood, they go with their separate ways. Meanwhile, Scar suddenly returns to Central.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 12
OriginalRelDate =November 21 ,2005 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757515731/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (12): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1573-4
LicensedRelDate =March 20 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6129|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.12|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-0839-9
ChapterList =
* 46. nihongo|The Distant Image of Their Backs|遠くの背中|Tōku no Senaka
* 47. nihongo|A Girl in the Grip of Battles Past and Present|戦場の少女|Senjō no Shōjo
* 48. nihongo|A Promise Made by Those Who Wait|待ち人の約束|Machibito no Yakusoku
* 49. nihongo|A Monster Among Men|人中の化け物|Hitonaka no Bakemono
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Ling Yao
* Lan Fan
* Wrath
* Winry Rockbell
* Scar; Spine character
* Mei Chan
Summary = Ed and Al execute a bold plan in order to obtain more information about their enemies, involving a new encounter with Scar. Winry becomes involved in the battle and learns the truth behind who killed her parents during the Ishvalan War, despite Edward and Alphonse's best attempts to protect her. Meanwhile Ling and Lan Fan face Fuhrer King Bradley, who is none other than the Homunculus Wrath.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 13
OriginalRelDate =March 22 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/475751638X/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (13): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1638-0
LicensedRelDate =May 15 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6490|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.13|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-1158-0
ChapterList =
* 50. nihongo|In the Belly of the Beast|腹の中|Hara no Naka
* 51. nihongo|A Portal in the Darkness|闇の扉|Yami no Tobira
* 52. nihongo|Lord of the Demon's Lair|魔窟の王|Makutsu no Ō
* 53. nihongo|Signpost of the Soul|魂の道標|Tamashii no Dōhyō
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric; Spine character
* Lt. Jean Havoc
Summary = Being swallowed by Gluttony, Ed, Ling and Envy attempt to find a way out and Envy reveals some secrets about himself and the Homunculi. In the meantime, Roy ventures to see on whose side the military really is while Gluttony takes Al to meet the mastermind behind the homunculi.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 14
OriginalRelDate =July 22 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/475751719X/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (14): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1719-6
LicensedRelDate =August 14 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6619|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.14|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-1379-9
ChapterList =
* 54. nihongo|The Fool's Struggle|愚者の足掻き|Gusha no Ashikaki
* 55. nihongo|The Avarice of Two|二人の強欲|Futari no Gōyoku
* 56. nihongo|The Lion of the Round Table|円卓の獅子|Entaku no Shishi
* 57. nihongo|Scars of Ishbal|イシュヴァールの傷|Ishuvāru no Kizu
* Gaiden. Short Story
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Mei Chan
* Greed
* Envy
* Father; Spine character
* Father
Summary = Father uses Ling's body to host the stone of Greed, when Scar and Mei Chan break in, searching for her lost pet panda. After a fight, each takes his or her own path, and Wrath explains to Ed, Al and Roy the situation they are in, before reassigning Mustang's subordinates to the opposite corners of the country.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 15
OriginalRelDate =November 22 ,2006 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757518129/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (15): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1812-4
LicensedRelDate =December 18 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?product_id=6620|title=Viz Media - products. Fullmetal Alchemist Vol.15|publisher=Viz Media|accessdate=2008-03-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-1380-5
ChapterList =
* 58. nihongo|The Footsteps of Ruin|破滅の足音|Hametsu no Ashioto
* 59. nihongo|The Immoral Alchemist|背徳の錬金術師|Haitoku no Renkinjutsushi
* 60. nihongo|In the Absence of God|神の不在|Kami no Fuzai
* 61. nihongo|The Hero of Ishbal|イシュヴァールの英雄|Ishuvāru no Eiyū
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Roy Mustang
* Riza Hawkeye
* Maes Hughes
* Alex Louis Armstrong
* Zolf J. Kimblee; Spine character
* Zolf J. Kimblee
Summary = A flashback on the Ishbal war, involving Roy, Riza, Hughes, Armstrong, Kimblee and Scar.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 16
OriginalRelDate =March 22 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757519656/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (16): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-1965-7
LicensedRelDate =March 18 ,2008
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-1381-2
ChapterList =
* 62. nihongo|Beyond the Dream|夢の先|Yume no Saki
* 63. nihongo|The Promise Made for 520 Cenz|520センズの約束|520 Senzu no Yakusoku
* 64. nihongo|The Northern Wall of Briggs|ブリッグズの北壁|Burigguzu no Hokuheki
* 65. nihongo|The Ironclad Rule|鉄の掟|Tetsu no Okite
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric; Spine character
* Lan Fan
Summary = Roy and the brothers depart, as they go to track Mei Chan, Marcoh and Scar to the icy north to learn the secrets of Rentanjutsu. There they arrive at the fortress of Briggs and meet Armstrong's older sister, Major General Olivier Armstrong.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 17
OriginalRelDate =August 11 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757520646/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (17): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-2064-6
LicensedRelDate =October 21 ,2008 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/dp/142152161X/|title=Amazon.com: Fullmetal Alchemist, Volume 17: Books: Hiromu Arakawa|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-2161-9
ChapterList =
* 66. nihongo|Snow Queen|雪の女王|Yuki no Joō
* 67. nihongo|The Shape of this Country|この国のかたち|Kono Kuni no Katachi
* 68. nihongo|Family Portrait|家族の肖像|Kazoku no Shōzō
* 69. nihongo|The Cornerstone of Briggs|ブリッグズの礎|Brigguzu no Ishizue
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Olivier Mira Armstrong
* Miles
* Buccaneer; Spine character
* Olivier Milla Armstrong
Summary = The Elrics and the soldiers of Briggs fend off the homunculus Sloth, and discover the true nature behind his tunnel and behind Father's plans. Meanwhile, a freed Zolf J. Kimblee searches for and battles Scar, and later meets with General Raven who had been sent to Briggs.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 18
OriginalRelDate =December 22 ,2007 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757521758/|language= Japanese|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (18): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-2175-9
LicensedRelDate =May 19 ,2009 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.com/dp/1421525364/|title=Amazon.com: Fullmetal Alchemist, Volume 18: Books: Hiromu Arakawa|publisher=Amazon.com |accessdate=2008-07-15]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-4215-2536-5
ChapterList =
* 70. nihongo|The Original Homunculus|始まりのホムンクルス|Hajimari no Homunkurusu
* 71. nihongo|The Crimson Man|紅蓮の男|Guren no Otoko
* 72. nihongo|Negative Consequences - Positive Measures|負の連鎖 正の一石|Fu no Rensa - Sei no Isseki
* 73. nihongo|Daydream|白昼の夢|Hakuchū no Yume
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Alphonse Elric
* Zolf J. Kimblee
* Pride; Spine Character
* Pride
Summary = In Central, Riza discovers the true identity of the Homunculus Pride. In the north, Major General Armstrong quizzes Raven for information, and Kimblee summons Winry as a hostage to ensure the Elrics' cooperation, not only in the capture of Scar but in their roles as the mysterious "human sacrifices". Ed and Al meditate on an alliance with Scar.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 19
OriginalRelDate =March 22 ,2008 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4757522371/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (19): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-07-15]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-2237-4
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 74. nihongo|Homunculus|フラスコの中の小人|Homunkurusu
* 75. nihongo|The Final Day of Xerxes|クセルクセス最期の日|Kuserukusesu Saigo no Hi
* 76. nihongo|The Form of a Person - The Form of a Stone|人の形 石の形|Hito no Katachi - Ishi no Katachi
* 77. nihongo|Reverse Transmutation Circle|逆転の錬成陣|Gyakuten no Renseijin
* 78. nihongo|The Seven Sins|七つの罪|Nanatsu no Tsumi
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Van Hohenheim
* "Homunculus"; Spine character
* "Homunculus"
Summary = Having killed Raven, Major General Armstrong meets with the Fuhrer and takes Raven's seat in Central. Hawkeye gives Mustang a coded message revealing Prides true identity, while Father has a flashback regarding his creation, first meeting with Van Hoenheim and destruction of Xerxes to create the Philosopher's Stone, in the form of Van Hoenheim. As Ed teams up with Kimblee's chimeras, Al travels with Scar, Winry and Mei. Kimblee leads a battalion of Drachma forces against Briggs, while Van Hoenheim arrives in Lior and encounters Pride in the underground tunnel.Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 20
OriginalRelDate =August 22 ,2008 cite web|url=http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/475752353X/|title=Amazon.co.jp: 鋼の錬金術師 (20): 本: 荒川 弘|publisher=Amazon.com |language= Japanese|accessdate=2008-08-18]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-7575-2353-1
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
*79. nihongo|An Ant Biting a Human|蟻のひと噛み|Ari no Hito Kami
*80. nihongo|A Vision of Father|瞼の父|Mabuta no Chichi
*81. nihongo|Tearing Full-Throttle|バリバリの全開|Baribari no Zenkai
*82. nihongo|The Soul's Family|魂の家族|Tamashii no Kazoku
*83. nihongo|The Promised Day|約束の日|Yakusoku no Hi
VolumeExtras = ; Cover character(s)
* Edward Elric
* Ling Yao (Greed)
* Heinkel
* Darius; Spine Character
* Ling Yao (Greed)
Summary =Not yet published in "tankōbon" format
*84. nihongo|The Shadow of the Pursuer|追跡者の影|Tsuisekisha no Kage
*85. nihongo|Empty Box|空の箱|Kara no Hako
*86. nihongo|Emissary of Darkness|闇の使者|Yami no Shisha
*87. nihongo|Oath in the Underground Tunnel|地下道の誓い|Chikadō no Chikai
*88. nihongo|The Love of a Parent and Child|親子の情|Oyako no JōReferences
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