- Birth
Birth is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth
offspring [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/birth] . Theoffspring is brought forth from themother . Different forms of birth areoviparity ,vivipary or ovovivipary.Two words used to describe human offspring while
in utero are "embryo " and "fetus ". Their meanings refer to earlier and later stages of development.Amphibian s under gosymbiosis before they lay their eggs andmetamorphosis after.Medical meanings
Childbirth is the process at the end of a humanpregnancy that results in ababy being born.
*Natural childbirth is the technique of minimizing medical intervention, particularlyanaesthetics , duringchildbirth .
*Unassisted childbirth (UC) is birth without the aid of medical or professional birth attendants. Also known asFreebirth
*Multiple birth is the birth of two (twin s), three (triplets), four (quadruplets), etc., babies resulting from a single pregnancy.
* Birth canal is the term used for thevagina during birth, as it is the route through which the infant passes during a vaginal birth.
*Caesarean section or C-Section is surgical birth through the wall of theabdomen .
*Birth pangs are the pains felt by the mother during labour, resulting from contractions of theuterus and pressure onnerve s and organs.
*Lotus Birth is the practice of leaving theumbilical cord uncut after birth so that the baby is left attached to itsplacenta until the cord naturally separates
* Afterbirth is the delivery of the placenta following the delivery of the infant.
*Birth control methods are devices, medications or behavior patterns to reduce the probability of pregnancy.
*Placenta the organ in most mammals, formed in the lining of the uterus by the union of the uterine mucous membrane with the membranes of the fetus, that provides for the nourishment of the fetus and the elimination of its waste products. [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Placenta]
*Midwife is ahealth care provider that provides athome health care forexpecting mothers , delieverbaby duringbirth , and providepostpartum care.Complications
Infertility treatments are devices, medications, or behavior patterns to increase the probability of pregnancy.
*Premature birth is the birth of an infant before the full term of pregnancy.
*Birth defect is a physical or mental abnormality present at the time of birth.
*Stillbirth is the birth of a dead fetus or infant.
*Birth trauma is a theory in Pre & Perinatal psychology and natural medicine that the baby experiences extreme pain during the birthing process and that this pain influences the child later in life.
*VBAC is a Vaginal Birth after a Caesarean Birth.
* Complications may cause amiscarriage or spontaneous abortion to occur.Legal meanings
Birthday is a day to celebrate that the person has lived a certain number of years. It is an annual event based either on the anniversary of a person's date of birth, or on astrological birthtime calculations.
*Birth certificate is a legal document describing details of a person's birth.
*Anuclear family comprising the father, mother, brother or sister, is an institution where the members are related by birth.
* In some countries a person is considered of illegitimate birth if the child is born of parents not legally married to each other.piritual meanings
Astrology is based upon the belief that an individual's life is influenced by thegeocentric positions of theSun ,Moon , andplanets in thesky or below thehorizon at the moment of birth; anatal chart is calculated using the exact time, date, andplace of birth in order to try and interpret these cyclical influences on a person'slife .
*Virgin Birth of Jesus is the Christian doctrine that asserts that Jesus Christ was born to a virgin, and thus that His conception was carried out without an earthly father.
* Born again, a term used primarily inProtestant Christianity , is associated withsalvation , conversion, and spiritual rebirth.
* Rebirth is a belief that a person is born again after their death based on thekarma of their previous births.Metaphorical meanings
The term "birth" is used metaphorically to refer to a beginning, especially of a natural phenomenon, one that is impressive in its scope or complexity, or one that is viewed favorably.
*Stellar evolution is the field of study that deals with the birth of stars and their lifecycles.ee also
*Home birth
*List of oldest birth mothers
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