Taylor Webb

Taylor Webb

Taylor Webb was a state representative out of the 36th district in Missouri. He was elected in the 1968 election cycle and served only two years. His policies were not received well by the public. In the election he seemed like a very moderate man but this soon changed after he was elected. Mr. Webb was accused of "Raising Hell" in the house chambers. He did not pass any of his bills because he was quite reactionary in his writing. He proposed that Missouri shall change their flag to the confederate flag to represent the southern heritage in Missouri. His campaign slogan in the 1970 election was "Kick ass with southern class." This was at a time when most Missourians already thought of him as crazy. He lost the republican primary in 1970 and was never involved in politics again.

He was a great politician in Missouri's history and should not be forgotten.


*Missouri Blue Book 1968-1969
*Missouri Political Review, March 1969, July 1970

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