Development Assistance Research Associates

Development Assistance Research Associates

Development Assistance Research Associates (DARA) is an independent non-profit organisation committed to improving the quality of development aid and humanitarian action through evaluation. With its work, DARA contributes to the global efforts to alleviate human suffering and reduce poverty.

DARA's action is guided by three underlying principles: affected populations should be place at the centre of efforts; actions are to be driven by needs based responses; and finally, the direct effects of DARA's work should be utilization focused and add value. DARA believes in promoting the empowerment of individuals so that they assume the lead role in the resolution of their problems. In addition, DARA promotes options that include the participation of all stakeholders in the processes in which DARA intervenes. DARA is a full member of ALNAP


DARA's work is characterised by accountability and commitment to our goals. Therefore, its work is carried out responsibly based on comprehensive analyses, and geared toward results. DARA works, above all, to ensure that the humanitarian aid has a positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

The primary goals of DARA are:
*To improve the effectiveness of development aid and humanitarian assistance.
*To improve humanitarian action.
*To enhance quality, accountability and learning.
*To promote the practice of useful and impact-oriented evaluations.

DARA also disseminates good practices in the fields of development aid and humanitarian action to promote the improvement of the processes, tools and projects of the various actors involved.


DARA evaluates and studies a variety of development and humanitarian instruments and operations including policies, strategies, budget support mechanisms, projects and programmes. DARA conducts ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations, always striving to make the process as participatory as possible by taking into consideration all stakeholders. DARA also works on organisational performance and internal capacity building, and supports various international bodies, such as the European Commission, in the design of new methodological tools for the evaluation of aid.

DARA works in various regions. Some of the larger projects DARA has undertaken include participation in the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition, after the 2004 disaster in South East Asia; the creation of the Humanitarian Response Index in 2007; and the evaluation of the European Commission´s Disaster preparedness Plans in Central America.


Since its creation in 2001, DARA has gathered experience across five continents, working of bilateral and multilateral development agencies, as well as for non-governmental organisations and the private sector.

DARA evaluates and studies different development and humanitarian instruments and operations assessing policies, strategies, budget support mechanisms, projects and programmes.

DARA works in the following sectors:

Humanitarian Action
*Child Protection
*Protection of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
*Food Security and Nutrition
*Standards (Sphere, GHD, HAP) and Quality and Accountability Initiatives (Compas Qualite)
*Public Health, Water and Sanitation.
*Restoration of Basic Social Services
*Education ion Complex Situations
*Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
*Risk Reduction and Management. Early Warning Systems
*Vulnerability Assessments
*Gender Approach in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations
*Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

*Institutional Capacity Building
*Civil Society Capacity Building
*Decentralisation and Strengthening of Local Governments
*Social Services and Education
*Agriculture and Rural Development
*Sustainable Development
*Urban Development and Housing
*Environment, Land Planning and Natural Resources Management
*Water, Sanitation and Public Health

Organisational Performance
*Strategic Planning
*Capacity Building
*Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
*Performance Indicators and Good Practices
*Quality Control and Assurance Systems

External links

* [ DARA]
* [ ALNAP Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action]
* [ Tsunami Evaluation Coalition]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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