

Infobox CityIT
img_coa = Ispica-Stemma.png official_name = Comune di Ispica
region = Sicily
province = Ragusa (RG)
elevation_m = 170
area_total_km2 = 100
population_as_of =
population_total = 15000
population_density_km2 =
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|36|47|N|14|54|E|region:IT_type:city
frazioni = Santa Maria del Focallo
telephone = +390932
postalcode = I-97014
gentilic =
saint = Carmelo
day =
mayor =
website =

Ispica ( _sc. Spaccafurnu, _la. Hyspicae Fundus) is a city in the south of Sicily, Italy. It is 30 km from Ragusa, 50 km from Syracuse, and 90 km from La Valletta, Malta. The first time that a document quoted this location was in 1093, in a list of churches and ecclesiastic departments for administrative purposes, but the territory has been colonized since the Bronze Age.

The city is on a hill and its territory is essentially exploited by intensive agriculture (tomatoes, olives, vineyards, etc.) which is the main economical activity. There are 10 km of coasts, most of which of are sand and dunes, and an island (Porri island) at 2 km from coast.

The town also hosts some nice examples of Sicilian Baroque such as the Vincenzo Sinatra's Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, the Annunziata Church, the Carmine monastery and the St. Barthelemy cathedral.

Cava Ispica

The Cava Ispica (Cave of Ispica) is constituted of a series of housing units carved in rocky formations. Built prior to the Greek colonisation, these houses were used until the end of the nineteenth century. This cave, the most important of Eastern Sicily, is 13km long and is divided among two other comunes, Modica and Rosolini.

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