

In Greek mythology, Erginus was king of Minyan Orchomenus in Boeotia. He was the son of Clymenus, his predecessor, and Buzyge (or Budeia). Erginus avenged his father's death at the hands of the Thebans; he made war against Thebes, inflicting a heavy defeat. The Thebans were compelled to pay King Erginus a tribute of 100 oxen per year for twenty years. However, the tribute ended earlier than Erginus expected, when Heracles attacked the Minyan emissaries sent to exact the tribute. This prompted a second war between Orchomenus and Thebes, only this time Thebes (under the leadership of Heracles) was victorious. Erginus was slain in battle, leaving behind a son named Azeus - according to the version of the story given by most ancient writers (e.g., Apollodorus, Strabo, Eustathius). In Homer, Azeus was the grandfather of the Orchomenian leaders in the Trojan War. But according to Pausanias, Erginus was spared by Heracles and lived to a ripe old age, and even fathered two sons (Trophonius and Agamedes) on a younger woman.

Another Erginus was an Argonaut; he piloted the "Argo" after Tiphys's death. He is said to be the son of Poseidon, and to have resided in the Carian city of Miletus.

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