Caffè Giubbe Rosse

Caffè Giubbe Rosse

Caffè Giubbe Rosse is a café in Piazza della Repubblica (13-14r), Florence. The "giubbe rosse" of its name are the "Red Shirts" of Garibaldi's forces during the Risorgimento, a badge of honour for liberal Italians, reflected in the silent allusion of the waiters' red jackets. The café has a long-standing reputation as the resort of literati and intellectuals. Alberto Viviani defined the Giubbe Rosse as " _it. fucina di sogni e di passioni" ("a forge of dreams and passions").Fact|date=March 2007 The Giubbe Rosse was the place where the Futurist movement blossomed, struggled and expanded; it played a very important role in the history of Italian culture as a workshop of ideas, projects, and passions. "We want to celebrate love of danger, of constant energy, and courage. We want to encourage going in aggressive new directions, feverish sleeplessness, running, deathly leaps, slaps and blows".Fact|date=March 2007

Poets such as Ardengo Soffici, Giovanni Papini, Eugenio Montale, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Giuseppe Prezzolini and many others met and wrote in this literary café,Fact|date=March 2007 an important venue of Italian literature in the beginning of the 20th century.

Important magazines such as "Solaria" and "Lacerba" originated here from the writers who frequented the café.Fact|date=March 2007

Giubbe Rosse was founded by two Germans, the Reininghaus brothers, in the beginning of the 1900s; the current owner is Fiorenzo Smalzi who currently publishes books by important italian poets.

Giubbe Rosse Collection

_it. Collana il Caffe Letterario, edited by Fiorenzo Smalzi

* Vol.0 - _it. Gli anni discontinui - "Seduto al caffè con Rosai e Conti", 1992
* Vol.1 - _it. Leopoldo Paciscopi - "Nel chiaror della luna", 1994
* Vol.2 - _it. AA. VV. - "La letteratura italiana alla fine del Millennio", 1996
* Vol.3 - _it. AA. VV. - "I centanni di Montale", 1996
* Vol.4 - _it. Marino Andorlini - "LAnsia delle vette", 1996
* Vol.5 - _it. Silvano Zoi - "Il manuale dello scrittore", 1998
* Vol.6 - _it. Geno Pampaloni - "Sul ponte tra novecento e duemila", 1998
* Vol.7 - _it. Vittorio Vettori - "Il Giubileo letterario di Vittorio Vettori", 2001
* Vol.8 - _it. Alberta Bigagli - "Olindo del fuoco", 2001
* Vol.9 - _it. Manlio Sgalambro - "Opus Postumissimum", 2002
* Vol.10 - _it. L. Pignotti e E. Miccini - "Poesie in azione", 2002
* Vol.11 - _it. Giovanni Lista - "Lo sperma nero", 2003
* Vol.12 - _it. Mario Luzi - "Lavventura della dualità", 2003
* Vol.13 - _it. Menotti Lerro - "Ceppi Incerti", 2003
* Vol.14 - _it. Lorella Rotondi - "La misura del canto", 2003
* Vol.15 - _it. Paolo Guzzi - "Teatro e no", 2004
* Vol.16 - _it. Massimo Mori - "Performer", 2005
* Vol.17 - _it. Leopoldo Paciscopi - "Sogni e profezie dello schermo silenzioso", 2005

External links

* [ Official website]

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