Prevalence of mental disorders — The prevalence of mental disorder has been studied around the world, providing estimates on how common mental disorders are. Different criteria or thresholds of severity have sometimes been used. National and international figures are typically… … Wikipedia
Prevalence — In epidemiology, the prevalence of a health related state (typically disease, but also other things like smoking or seatbelt use) in a statistical population is defined as the total number of cases of the risk factor in the population at a given… … Wikipedia
prevalence rate — a measure of morbidity based on current sickness in a population, estimated either at a particular time (point prevalence) or over a stated period (period prevalence). It can be expressed either in terms of sick people (persons) or episodes of… … Medical dictionary
prevalence — n. a measure of morbidity based on current sickness in a population, estimated either at a particular time (point prevalence) or over a stated period (period prevalence). It can be expressed either in terms of affected people (persons) or… … The new mediacal dictionary
Prevalence of circumcision — Map published by the United Nations (WHO/UNAIDS) showing percentage of males who have been circumcised, at a country level. Data was provided by MEASURE DHS[1] and other sources.[ … Wikipedia
Prevalence — The proportion of individuals in a population having a disease. Prevalence is a statistical concept referring to the number of cases of a disease that are present in a particular population at a given time. * * * The number of cases of a disease… … Medical dictionary
period — pe·ri·od (pîr’ē əd) n. 1. An interval of time characterized by the occurrence of a certain condition, event, or phenomenon: »a period of economic prosperity. 2. An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology … Word Histories
prevalence — noun 1. the quality of prevailing generally; being widespread (Freq. 1) he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future • Derivationally related forms: ↑prevail, ↑prevalent • Hypernyms: ↑generality … Useful english dictionary
period — An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology, or technology, or regarded as a distinct phase in the development of the work of an artist, or a style or movement. In punctuation, a dot signifying a full… … Glossary of Art Terms
Point prevalence — In epidemiology, point prevalence is a measure of the proportion of people in a population who have a disease or condition at a particular time, such as a particular date. It is like a snap shot of the disease in time. This is in contrast to… … Wikipedia