Joel Geist

Joel Geist

Infobox actor
name = Joel Geist

imagesize =
caption =
birthdate = birth date and age|1982|09|21
location = Denver, Colorado, U.S.
height = (5 ft 10 in)
birthname = Joel Thomas Geist
othername =
website =
occupation = Television actor
notable role = Grant in " [ Seance] "
Doug in "Windfall"
Alan Beaman in " [ Guilty or Innocent] "
Donovan in " [ Action Figures] "
Jeff Balis in " [ The Chris Moore Chalange] "

Joel T. Geist (born September 21, 1982 in Denver, Colorado, U.S.) is an American actor.

He is known for his performances on television, ranging from Doug in NBC's short lived drama "Windfall", to his portrayal of real life, convicted murderer Alan Beaman in the Discovery Channel's docu-drama "Guilty or Innocent". [imdb title|0398553|Guilty or Innocent] Joel has also begun a film career most recently punctuated by his starring role beside "Highlander's" Adrian Paul in the 2006 indie horror film "Séance" [imdb title|0814343|Séance] and has co-produced such short films as "Action Figures", [imdb title|0436035|Action Figures] which he also starred in.


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