

In Greek mythology, Crotopus of Argos was the son of Agenor and father of Psamathe. He succeeded his uncle Iasus as King of Argos upon the latter's death.

Preceded by
Agenor, son of Triopas
King of Argos Succeeded by

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  • CROTOPUS — Rex Argivorum fil. Agenoris, pater Psamathes, quae ab Apolline compressa, Linum peperit, quem cum inter vepres abscondisser, canes extractum dilacerâtuut. Ovid. in Ibin, v. 480. Quique Crotopiaden diripuêre Linum. Successit Triopae, per 21. ann.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • Agenor, son of Triopas — Agenor (Gr. polytonic|Ἀγήνωρ) was the son and successor of Triopas, in the kingdom of Argos.Citation | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | author link = | contribution = Agenor (3) | editor last = Smith | editor first = William | title =… …   Wikipedia

  • Agenor — AGENOR, ŏris, (⇒ Tab. XVIII.) des Triopes, Königes zu Argis Sohn, Pausan. Corinth. c. 16. soll, nach einigen, kein anderer, als der Acrisius seyn, der den Zunamen Agenor von seinem Stolze und Hochmuthe bekommen hat, weil das griechische Ἀγήνωρ… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

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