Root Force

Root Force

Root Force is a biocentric, decentralized, international direct-action campaign devoted to " [dismantling] the system that is killing and enslaving [the] planet and its people." ["Root Force Mission Statement,"] The campaign seeks to interfere with the expansion of global trade infrastructure in Latin America by targeting the corporations involved in specific infrastructure projects. ["What is Root Force?",] Its slogan is "Demolishing Colonialism At Its Foundations." [ [ Root Force ] ]

Root Force was launched in 2006 and is focused on stopping the construction of La Parota dam in Guerrero, Mexico and the Anillo Periférico highway in San Salvador, El Salvador. [ [ Root Force ] ]

Campaign Philosophy and Strategy

The Root Force campaign incorporates analysis characteristic of the Latin American solidarity, radical environmental and anti-globalization movements. [ [ Root Force Road Show Comes To South Florida! Nov 14 - 15 : Miami IMC ] ] According to campaign literature, ills such as environmental destruction, war, and genocide against indigenous peoples are caused by a global system and cannot be eliminated without eliminating that system. As examples of the names given to this system, Root Force cites "'neoliberalism,' 'capitalism,' 'the state' or even 'civilization.'" ["What Is Root Force?"]

The campaign strategy is founded on the premise that the US economy depends upon imports from Latin America to continue functioning, and that these imports depend upon "transportation, energy, and communications infrastructure." ["Root Force Mission Statement] . For this reason, Root Force opposes infrastructure expansion projects such as the Plan Puebla Panama and the Initiative for the Integration of South American Infrastructure. More specifically, Root Force encourages direct action against companies involved in specific infrastructure projects, with the goal of forcing those companies to end their involvement. [ [ ] ] A list of targeted companies is published on the campaign web site.

Root Force compares this strategy to that used by the anti-vivisection movement, the anti-apartheid movement and ACT UP. ["What is Root Force?"] Like other segments of the anti-globalization movement, it also directs criticism and encourages action against international financial institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration. [ [ DC Indymedia: IADB and other STRATEGIC TARGETS in DC against "growth" and its destruction of Latin America ] ] ["Earth First!" 26:6 pp 26-27]

The specific projects opposed by Root Force are the La Parota dam in Guerrero, Mexico and the Anillo Periférico highway in San Salvador, El Salvador. [ [ Root Force ] ]


An eight-page spread about Root Force was published in the September-October 2006 issue of the Earth First! Journal. ["Earth First!" 26:6 pp 21-28] In October 2006, a "Root Force Road Show" traveled the eastern US to publicize the campaign. [ [ Rochester IMC: Root Force Road Show Rolls into Rochester ] ] As of February 2007, plans were underway for a western road show. [ [ ] ]

In January 2007, Root Force, along with Rising Tide North America, Arizona Earth First! and a Florida group called Justicia Global, called for boycotts and protests of CompUSA, Kmart and Sears due to links between those companies and plans for La Parota dam. [ [ Arizona Earth First! » Blog Archive » Activists Demand that CompUSA, Sears, Kmart End Involvement in Controversial Mexican Dam ] ]


External links

* [ Root Force]
* [ "IADB and other STRATEGIC TARGETS in DC"]

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