

Superflat is a postmodern art movement, founded by the artist Takashi Murakami, which is influenced by "manga" and "anime". [Natalie Avella, "Graphic Japan: From Woodblock and Zen to Manga and Kawaii", Rotovision, 2004, p111. ISBN 2880467713] It is also the name of a 2001 art exhibition, curated by Murakami, that toured West Hollywood, Minneapolis and Seattle.Kitty Hauser, [;col1 "Superflat: Kitty Hauser on fan fare"] , "ArtForum", Oct, 2004.] The term is used by Murakami to refer to various flattened forms in Japanese graphic art, animation, pop culture and fine arts, as well as the "shallow emptiness of Japanese consumer culture." [ [ Hunter Drohojowska-Philp,] ] A self-proclaimed art movement, it was a successful piece of niche marketing, a branded art phenomenon designed for Western audiences.

In addition to Murakami, artists whose work is consideredSuperflatinclude Chiho Aoshima, Mahomi Kunikata, Yoshitomo Nara, and Aya Takano. In addition, some animators within "anime" and some "mangaka" are considered Superflat, especially Koji Morimoto (and much of the output of his animation studio Studio 4°C), and the work of Hitoshi Tomizawa, author of "Alien 9" and "Milk Closet".

"Lolicon" art is satirized by works such as those by Henmaru Machino. These works are an exploration of "otaku" sexuality through grotesque and/or distorted images. Other works are more concerned with a fear of growing up. For example, Yoshitomo Naras work often features playful graffiti on old Japanese "ukiyo-e" executed in a childish manner. And some works focus on the structure and underlying desires that comprise "otaku" and overall post-war Japanese culture.

Murakami is influenced by directors such as Hideaki Anno. [Frenchy Lunning, "Emerging Worlds of Anime and Manga", University of Minnesota Press, 2006, p133. ISBN 0816649456]



*cite book| editor = Murakami, Takashi, (Ed.)| title = Little Boy: The Arts of Japans Exploding Subculture| location= New York | publisher=Japan Society| year = 2003| id = ISBN 0-913304-57-3
*cite book| editor = Murakami, Takashi, (Ed.)| title = Superflat| publisher = Last Gasp| year = 2001| id = ISBN 4-944079-20-6
*cite journal | author= Michael Darling | title= Plumbing the Depths of Superflatness | journal= Art Journal | year= 2001 | volume= Vol. 60 | issue=3, Autumn | pages= pp. 7689 | doi= 10.2307/778139
*cite book| editor = Store A, (ed.)| title = Takashi Murakami: the meaning of the nonsense of the meaning| location= New York, NY| publisher= Center for Curatorial Studies Museum, Bard College, in association wih Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers | year = 1999| id= ISBN 0-8109-6702-2

External links

* [ Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.] —Takashi Murakamis official site featuring Superflat artists
* [ Superflat Japanese Postmodernity] —essay by Hiroki Azuma
* [;col1 Plumbing the Depths of Superflatness]

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