- Atle Thowsen
Atle Thowsen is the Director of the [http://www.bsj.uib.no/index.shtml | Bergen Maritime Museum] and served as president of the
International Commission for Maritime History from 2000 to 2005.Early Life and Education
Born in 1940, Thowsen received his doctor of philosophy degree in 1984 with a thesis on 'Vekst og strukturendringer i krisetider 1914–1939, Bergen og Sjøfarten'.
He is the director of the [http://www.bsj.uib.no/index.shtml | Bergens sjøfartsmuseum] and the
Norsk sjøfartshistorisk forskningsfond . In addition, he is editor of "Sjøfartshistorisk Årbok".Published Works
* "Vekst og strukturendringer i krisetider 1914–1939, Bergen og Sjøfarten",
* "Den norske Krigsforsikring for Skib. Gjensidig forening 1935–1985", bind 1 (Bergen 1988)
* "Nortraship: Profitt og patriotisme bind 1 i fembindsverket Handelsflåten i krig 1939–1945" (Oslo 1992)
* "Fra krig til krise og vekst. Mellomkrigstiden – det store hamskiftet i Sørlandets skipsfart" (Bergen 1995)
* "The Underwriters follow the Fleet. From Norwegian Underwriters’ Agency to Scandinavian Marine Claims Office, Inc., 1897–1997" (Bergen and Stamford, CT 1998).In addition, he has contributed to
* "Statsmannaskap" edited by Hans Lödén and P O Norell (2006)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.