- Butler Middle School
Butler Middle School a school located in Cottonwood Heights. Butler covers students in grades 7,8,and 9. Butler stresses the importance of a positive learning environment where students have every opportunity to achieve their academic potential without regard to race, sex or religious preference. The curriculum emphasizes basic skills and exploration experiences to help students make a satisfactory transition during the years between elementary school and high school.
Butler Middle is a First Amendment Alumni School. One of the inaugural eleven schools picked nationally to implement a program that focuses on teaching students civic responsibility and providing opportunities for students to participate in the governance of the school.
Facts about Butler
*The school includes 9 self-contained classrooms, an auditorium, little theater, full-sized gymnasium, media center, and cafeteria.
*School is in session from 7:55 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. Monday through Friday, 180 days a year.
*The faculty includes 40 full-time teachers, two half-time teachers, three counselors, a media coordinator, and three administrators. All faculty members are state certified, holding at least a bachelor's degree. About 3% have advanced university degrees.
*New teachers are evaluated every other year. Contract teachers are evaluated every three years.
*The school offers a standard middle school curriculum with programs for students with special needs and gifted students, three two-year foreign language offerings, computer education, and various music programs.
*Three language arts teachers work with advanced students from each grade, in the "core" program.
*Technology training is included in business, home economics, and industrial arts classes.
*The Resource Department includes a speech/language pathologist, a guidance specialist, and resource classes in reading, English, math, and study skills.
*Jordan District standards in attendance and dress are maintained.
*Lunch, with a choice of two entrees, is served daily in the cafeteria. The student price is $1.75. Breakfast is also offered.
*Bus service is provided for all students who live two miles or more from school.
*The school provides release time for special studies in athletics, academics, religion, and ice skating.
*Students have access to the Cottonwood Heights Spa for swimming and racquetball as part of their physical education program. Community school and "adult" high school classes are available in the evening.
*The Butler Community Advisory Council, composed of parent representatives and the principal, meets monthly to discuss school needs.
*The PTSA is active in fund raising and traditionally organizes special school activities and a parent volunteer program.
*Butler Middle School was one of the first schools selected as a "National Exemplary School" by theU.S. Department of Education , and is a model school for Utah's Pre-vocational Core.U-PASS Scores (
2004 -2005 )*Achieved State Level of Performance-Yes
*Needs Assistance-Yes
*Meets 95% Participation on Assessments-Yes
*Meets Yearly Status forNo Child Left Behind Act - Yes*Whole School Status- Acceptable
*Subgroup Status- Not Acceptable
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