

The name Astyoche was attributed to three individuals in Greek mythology.

*Daughter of Laomedon, wife of Telephus and mother of Eurypylus.
*Daughter of Actor, mother of Ascalaphus with Ares.
*Sister of Agamemnon and Menelaus. She married Strophius, and became the mother of Pylades. She may be the same as Anaxabia who is, in other sources, also mentioned as being a sister of Atrides. [Hesiod, Catalogue of Woman, 69:Agamemnon [ (Theoi Project - Hesiod Catalogues)] ] [Hyginus, Fabulae, 117. CXVII. Clytemnestra [ (Theoi Project - Hyginus Fabulae)] ] [Hyginus, Fabulae. 119. CXIX. Orestes [ (Theoi Project - Hyginus Fabulae)] ]


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  • Astyoche [1] — ASTYŎCHE, es, Actors Tochter, mit welcher Mars den Askalaphus und Jalmenus zeugete. Homer. Il. Β. v. 514. & Pausan. Boeot. c. 27 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

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  • Astyoche [4] — ASTYOCHE, es, Laomedons Tochter und also Priams Schwester, vermählete sich mit dem Könige in Mösien, Telephus, mit dem sie den Eurypylus zeugete, der sich in dem trojanischen Kriege das letzte Jahr so hervor that. Serv. ad Virg. Ecl. VI. v. 72.… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • ASTYOCHE — Actoris filia, quam in cenaculo paternae domus Mars oppressit, ex qua genuit Ascalaphum et Ialmenum. Homer. Il. 2. Item uxor Telephi, mater Eurypyli. Qu. Calaber. 6. Τὸν γὰρ δὴ τέκε δῖα κατιγνήτη Πριάμοιο Λ᾿ςτνόχη κρατερῇσιν εν ἀγκοίνῃσι μιγεῖσα… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Astyoché — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Dans la mythologie grecque, ce nom peut désigner : Astyoché fille d Actor, mère d Ascalaphe et Ialmène par Arès ; Astyoché fille de Laomédon,… …   Wikipédia en Français

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