Richard Andree

Richard Andree

Richard Andree (26 February 1835 – 22 February 1912) was, like his father Karl Andree, a German geographer noted for devoting himself especially to ethnography. He wrote numerous books on this subject, dealing notably with the races of his own country, while an important general work was "Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche" (Stuttgart, 1878).

Andree was born in Brunswick. As a director of the Geographical Institute of Velhagen & Klasing, Leipzig (1873-1890), he also took up cartography, having a chief share in the production of the "Physikalisch-Statistischer Atlas des Deutschen Reichs" (together with O. Peschel, Leipzig, 1877), and "Droysens Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas", (Leipzig, 1886), as well as school atlases.

His main work, however, is his "Allgemeiner Handatlas" (Leipzig, first edition 1881, final edition 1937), one of the most comprehensive world atlases of all times. The early editions of the "Times Atlas of the World" (1895-1900) are based on this atlas, as was Cassell's "Universal Atlas." Andree also continued the editorship of the "Globus" (1891-1903).

Andree died on a train-ride between Munich and Nuremberg.


Lit.: H. Meyer: "Velhagen & Klasing 150 Jahre 1835-1985", Berlin, 1985;J. Espenhorst: "Petermann's Planet", a guide to German handatlases, Schwerte, 2003.

External links

* Scans from [ Andrees 4th edition (1899)]

*Scans of [ Droysens Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas, 1886]
* Web archive of the great German Hand-Atlases. Andrees of all decades online: []

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