

The versificator is a device employed by Ingsoc in the novel 1984 by George Orwell.

Its primary purpose is to act as a 'writing machine', a machine which produces both literature and music, its primary target audience being the Proletariat.

The purpose of the versificator is to provide a means of producing 'creative' output without having any of the party members having to actually engage in a creative thought. The versificator is capable of producing newspapers, containing content similar to that found in modern day tabloid, featuring stories concerning sports, crime and astrology.The machine is also capable of producing films, low quality paperback novels, and music, of a sort.

Orwell clearly meant the versificator as a commentary on the quality of low culture and its ultimate effect. The metaphor of the factory or the production line commonly appears in discussions of mass-distributed culture.

Similar machines appear in the "Down There", a bleak dystopian short story by Damon Knight and in "The Silver Eggheads" by Fritz Leiber. The latter novel describes a future in which machines generate "wordwooze" in order to amuse the populace.


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  • versificator — VERSIFICATÓR, OÁRE, versificatori, oare, s.m. şi f. Persoană care face versuri sau transpune ceva în versuri. ♦ Poet minor (la care meşteşugul de a face versuri este mai evident decât inspiraţia poetică). – Din fr. versificateur, lat.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Versificator — Ver si*fi*ca tor, n. [L.] A versifier. [R.] The best versificator next Virgil. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • VERSIFICATOR — longe infra Poetae dignitatem. Hâc enim voce notantur Columellae, Quintiliano, Aliis, sermonis ac metri observatores quidem, sed citra spiritum et vim intrinsecam Poeticam, figmentis prope creationem pene terum evectam, quam unice in vero Vate… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • versificator — noun According to Orwells 1984 A machine for creating songs. Sometimes applied to the pop music industry as an accusation of creating music that fits set formulae but has no real feeling …   Wiktionary

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  • versificator — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷fəˌkād.ə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, from versificatus (past participle) + or : versifier …   Useful english dictionary

  • versificateur — [ vɛrsifikatɶr ] n. m. • 1488; versifieur XIIIe; lat. versificator 1 ♦ Écrivain qui pratique l art des vers réguliers. Bon, mauvais versificateur. 2 ♦ (1549) Péj. (opposé à poète) Faiseur de vers dépourvu d inspiration. « Aujourd hui, il y a… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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