- Ermilo Abreu Gómez
Ermilo Abreu Gómez (
September 18 ,1894 ,Mérida, Yucatán -July 14 ,1971 ,Mexico City ) was awriter ,journalist andlecturer born in Mérida, Yucatán,México . He was a member of theMexican Academy of Language from 1963. He was also a professor in several Universities in theUSA . He died in theMexico City in 1971.Partial list of works
His literary work was varied, over a long period of time:
* "La Xtabay (1919)"
* "El Corcovado (1924)"
* "Clásicos. Románticos. Modernos (1934)"
* "Canek (1940)"
* "Héroes Mayas (1942)"
* "Un Loro y tres Golondrinas (1946)"
* "Quetzalcóatl, sueño y vigilia (1947)"
* "Naufragio de indios (1951)"
* "La conjura de Xinúm (1958)"
* "Cuentos para contar al fuego (1959)"
* "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, bibliografía y biblioteca (1934)"
* "Diálogo del buen decir (1961)"The interest that
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz woke up in him became the passion of his life and it also led him to become her main critic. His most well-known work is Canek (1940 ), a story about the old Mayan people.As a curiosity the commentary of the author on the book "Canek":"And Nymph lost the best pages!". (Nymph was his wife who typed the original).
* Abreu Gómez, Ermilo, Canek, México, Editorial Oasis, 1982.
* Abreu Gómez, Ermilo, Clásicos. Románticos. Modernos, México, Ediciones Botas, 1934.
* Michel de Certeau, La escritura de la historia, México, Universidad Iberoamericana-Departamento de Historia, 1985.
* Jorge Cuesta, Poemas y ensayos, vol. II, México,UNAM, 1964.
* Miguel Gamboa Carrillo, Apuntes sobre la vida y obra de Ermilio Abreu Gómez, Mérida, Yucatán Escuela Normal Superior de Yucatán, 1981.
* Octavio Paz, Cuadrivio, México, Joaquín Mortiz, 1965.
* Jorge Pech, La sabiduría de la emoción. Vida y literatura de Ermilo Abreu Gómez, México, Editorial Tierra Adentro-Conaculta, 1998.
* Guillermo Sheridan,Los Contemporáneos ayer, México, FCE, 1985See also
Mexican literature
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