

:"Note: Hellen was not the same person as Helen of Troy, or Helenus, son of King Priam of Troy."

Hellen (Ancient Greek: polytonic|Ἕλλην, "Hel"lèn), Greek Katharevousa: (Audio-IPA|Ell-Ellin.ogg| ["ellin"] ) was the mythological patriarch of the Hellenes, the son of Deucalion (or sometimes Zeus) and Pyrrha, brother of Amphictyon and father of Aeolus, Xuthus, and Dorus. The word comes from the prefix έλ- (el- "sun, bright, shiny", (èlios, "sun")) + λάς (las "rock, stone"). Ελλάς: "The land of the sun and the rock". His name is also another name for Greek, meaning a person of Greek descent or pertaining to Greek culture, and the source of the adjective "Hellenic". Each of his sons founded a primary tribe of Greece: Aeolus the Aeolians, Dorus the Dorians and Xuthus the Achaeans (from Xuthus's son Achaeus) and the Ionians (from Xuthus's probably illegitimate son Ionas) together with his sister's Pandora's and Thyia's sons with Zeus and according to Hesiod's (probably) "Èoiæ" (Greek: Ηοίαι (ancient Greek polytonic|Ἠοῖαι from Ἠ' οἷαι = "or such women as") or "Catalogue of Women" [Hesiod (probably). "Èoiæ" or "Catalogue of Women", c. 650 BC.] , Graecus the Graecians, Makednos the Makedones and Magnes the Magnetes. They conquered the Greek area of Phthia and subsequently spread their rule to other Greek cities. The people of those areas came to be called Hellenes, after the name of their ancestor.


ee also

*Hellenic civilization

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