

In Greek mythology, Triopas or Triops (Τρίωψ, gen.: Τρίοπος [Its popular etymology is "he who has three eyes" (from τρι- "three" + -ωπ- "see") but the ending -ωψ, -οπος suggests a Pre-Greek origin.] ) was the name of several characters, whose relations are unclear.

* Triopas was one of the Heliadae, sons of Helios and Rhodus. Triopas, along with his brothers, Macar, Actis and Candalus, were jealous of a fifth brother, Tenages's, skill at science. They killed him. Triopas escaped to Kos and then founded the city of Knidos. Having taken up a kingdom in Thessaly, he offended Demeter by felling the oaks of her sacred grove, and was cursed with unceasing hunger. He was also called the son of Poseidon and Canace, daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, or of Peranthus. Father of Phorbas, Erysichthon, and Iphimedia, by Hiscilla, daughter of Myrmidon.

* Triopas may be an aspect of the Argive Zeus (sometimes represented with a third eye on his forehead), or may be his human representative. He is the eponymous founder of the Island of Triopia and the Triopian Promontory.

* Triopas, king of Argos, son of Phorbas. Father of Messene, Iasus, Agenor, and Pelasgus.



*Arthur Bernard Cook. "Zeus, Jupiter, and the Oak". "The Classical Review" 18:1:75-89 (February 1904). [ (JSTOR)]

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