- United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
Infobox UN
name = United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
caption =
type = Peacekeeping Mission
acronyms = UNAMSIL
head =Daudi Ngelautwa Mwakawago
status = Completed
established =22 October 1999
website = http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unamsil/index.html
parent =United Nations Security Council
subsidiaries =
commons =
footnotes =The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) was a
United Nations peacekeeping operation inSierra Leone from 1999 to 2005. It was created by theUnited Nations Security Council in October 1999 to help with the implementation of theLomé Peace Accord , an agreement intended to end the Sierra Leonean civil war. UNAMSIL expanded in size several times in 2000 and 2001. It concluded its mandate at the end of 2005,UN document |docid=S-RES-1610(2005) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=2005 |resolution_number=1610 |highlight=rect_184,1043_819,1095 |page=1 |accessdate=2007-11-13] the Security Council having declared that its mission was complete. [ UN document |docid=S-PV-5334 |body=Security Council |type=Verbotim Report |meeting=5334 |page=2 |anchor=pg002-bk06 |date=20 December 2005 |speakername=Mr. Mwakawago |accessdate=2007-11-13 ]The mandate was notable for authorizing UNAMSIL to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence (albeit "within its capabilities and areas of deployment") - a return to a more proactive style of UN peacekeeping. [ UN document |docid=S-PV-4099 |body=Security Council |type=Verbotim Report |meeting=4099 |page=6 |anchor=pg006-bk02 |date=
7 February 2000 |speakername=Mr. Fowler | speakernation=Canada |accessdate=2007-11-13 ]UNAMSIL replaced a previous mission, the
United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL).According to the Security Council resolution of
22 October 1999 , UNAMSIL had the following mandate:*To cooperate with the Government of Sierra Leone and the other parties to the Peace Agreement in the implementation of the Agreement
*To assist the Government of Sierra Leone in the implementation of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration plan
*To that end, to establish a presence at key locations throughout the territory of Sierra Leone, including at disarmament/reception centres and demobilization centres
*To ensure the security and freedom of movement of United Nations personnel
*To monitor adherence to the ceasefire in accordance with the ceasefire agreementUN document |docid=S-1999-585 |type=Document |body=Security Council |year=1999 |document_number=585 |accessdate=2007-11-13|date=18 May 1999 ] (whose signing was witnessed byJesse Jackson )
*To encourage the parties to create confidence-building mechanisms and support their functioning
*To facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance
*To support the operations of United Nations civilian officials, including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and his staff, human rights officers and civil affairs officers
*To provide support, as requested, to the elections, which are to be held in accordance with the present constitution of Sierra LeoneUN document |docid=S-RES-1270(1999) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=1999 |resolution_number=1270 |highlight=rect_89,740_918,1214 |page=2 |accessdate=2007-11-13|date=22 October 1999 ]In February 2000 the mandate has been revised to include the following tasks:
*To provide security at key locations and Government buildings, in particular inFreetown , important intersections and major airports, includingLungi airport
*To facilitate the free flow of people, goods and humanitarian assistance along specified thoroughfares
*To provide security in and at all sites of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme
*To coordinate with and assist, the Sierra Leone law enforcement authorities in the discharge of their responsibilities
*To guard weapons, ammunition and other military equipment collected from ex-combatants and to assists in their subsequent disposal or destructionUN document |docid=S-RES-1289(2000) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=2000 |resolution_number=1289 |highlight=rect_84,247_880,579 |page=3 |accessdate=2007-11-13|date=7 February 2000 ]Upon withdrawal, the remaining staff in
Freetown were transferred toUnited Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL). [ UN document |docid=S-PV-5334 |body=Security Council |type=Verbotim Report |meeting=5334 |page=2 |anchor=pg002-bk06-pa08 |date=20 December 2005 |speakername=Mr. Mwakawago |accessdate=2007-11-13 ]References
External links
* [http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unamsil/ UNAMSIL] at UN.org
* [http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/uniosil/ UNIOSIL] , the follow-up peace consolidation mission to UNAMSIL, at UN.org
* [http://vayu-sena.tripod.com/other-unamsil-opkhukri.html Detailed description of Op Khukri, launched by UN forces to rescue more than 200 peacekeepers from RUF]
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