"ANCE" is the Italian Association of private construction contractors, active in public works, residential and industrial building.

It represents 20 regional organisations, 101 provincial associations and 20,000 construction companies of any specialization and dimension.

ANCE and its local associations safeguard the construction industry "vis a vis" the Government and Parliament, through its lobbying activity. ANCE also engages in dialogue with political, social and cultural Institutions.

ANCE ensures relationships with Administrative Authorities in governing the territory, planning investments and designing interventions.

ANCE and its local Associations offers assistance and consultancy services in the following fields:
* legislative
* economic and industrial relations

ANCE is engaged in:
* Tendering for public procurement and relationships with the employers;
* Public and private Financing;
* Technical innovation and quality certification;
* The implementation of fiscal regulations;
* Company qualification for Public works

At the International level ANCE adheres to:
* FIEC – European Construction Industry Federation
* EIC – European International Contractors
* UNICE – Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe through "Confindustria - Confederazione Generale dell’Industria Italiana"
* UEPC – "Union Europeenne des Promoteurs-Constructeurs"

External links

* [ Official site (Italian)]

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  • -ance — ⇒ ANCE, ENCE, suff. I. Le dérivé est rattaché au verbe ou au participe correspondant A. Le dérivé exprime l action (« le fait de » + inf.) 1. Le suj. du verbe de base désignerait une pers., le fait que qqn s accoutume, etc. : accoutumance « le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ance — steht für: eine französische Gemeinde im Département Pyrénées Atlantiques; siehe Ance (Pyrénées Atlantiques) den Namensteil einer französische Gemeinde im Département Haute Loire; siehe Saint Julien d Ance einen Fluss in Frankreich, Nebenfluss… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ance — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ance Ansa País …   Wikipedia Español

  • -ance — [F. ance, fr. L. antia and also fr. entia.] A suffix signifying action; also, quality or state; as, assistance, resistance, appearance, elegance. See { ancy}. [1913 Webster] Note: All recently adopted words of this class take either ance or ence …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ...ance — [...ã:s] <aus fr. ance, dies aus lat. antia> Suffix weiblicher Fremdwörter, z. B. Renaissance, Résistance; vgl. ↑ …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • -ance — suffix attached to verbs to form abstract nouns of process or fact (convergence from converge), or of state or quality (absence from absent); ultimately from L. antia and entia, which depended on the vowel in the stem word. As Old French evolved… …   Etymology dictionary

  • -ance — [əns, ns; ənts, nts] [ME < OFr ance (< L antia, entia) or directly < L] suffix forming nouns 1. the act or process of ing [discontinuance] 2. the quality or state of being [forbearance] 3. a thing that s [hindrance] 4. a thing that is ed …   English World dictionary

  • Ance — (fr., spr. Angs), kleine seichte Meeresbucht mit weiter Öffnung, so: La grande A. (spr. la grangd angs), A. de salines (spr. A. de falin) u. m. auf Martinique, wo es viele solche A. gibt; A. de l Astrolabe u. A. de Torrents auf Neuseeland; A. de… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • ANCE — sigla 1. Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili 2. Associazione Nazionale del Commercio con l Estero …   Dizionario italiano

  • -ance — ► SUFFIX forming nouns: 1) denoting a quality or state: perseverance. 2) denoting an action: utterance. ORIGIN French, from Latin antia, entia …   English terms dictionary

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