- Great Glen Fault
The Great Glen Fault is a long strike-slip (transcurrent) fault that runs through its namesake the
Great Glen (Glen Albyn) inScotland . However, the fault is actually much longer and over 400 million years old.Location
Aligned northeast to southwest, the Great Glen Fault extends further southwest in a straight line through
Loch Linnhe and theFirth of Lorne , and then on into northwesternIreland , directly throughLough Foyle ,Donegal Bay andClew Bay . To the northeast the fault connects to the Walls Boundary Fault and the associated Melby Fault and Nesting Fault, before becoming obscured by the effects of Mesozoic rifting to the north ofShetland . The fault continues on theNorth America n side of theNorth Atlantic Ocean , but is no longer part of a contiguous fault, as the complete fault was broken when theMid-Atlantic Ridge formed 200 million years ago. The North American side of the fault runs through the length of northwestern Newfoundland,Canada , and into theGulf of St. Lawrence .History
The Great Glen Fault has a long movement history. It formed towards the end of the
Caledonian orogeny (mountain building) associated with the collision between theLaurentia and Baltic tectonic plates at the end of theSilurian period continuing into the EarlyDevonian (likely age range - 430-390 Ma (million years)). The movement at this time wassinistral (left-lateral), the same as the closely related set of faults sub-parallel to the main part of the Great Glen Fault, these include the Strathconan Fault and Strathglass Faults to the northwest and the Laggan Fault, Tyndrum Fault, and Ericht-Laidon Fault to the southeast. The second main phase of movement was during theCarboniferous , this time with adextral (right-lateral) sense. The exact timing is uncertain but associated folds within the Devonian are cut by members of the Late Carboniferous to EarlyPermian dyke swarm. The Great Glen Fault had its final phase of movement during the LateCretaceous to EarlyTertiary .ee also
Aspy Fault References
* M. STEWART, R. A. STRACHAN, M. W. MARTIN, and R. E. HOLDSWORTH. 2001. Constraints on early sinistral displacements along the Great Glen Fault Zone, Scotland: structural setting, U-Pb geochronology and emplacement of the syn-tectonic Clunes tonalite. Journal of the Geological Society; 158: 821 - 830.
* D. A. ROGERS, J. E. A. MARSHALL and T. R. ASTIN. 1989. Devonian and later movements on the Great Glen fault system, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society; 146: 369-372.
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