Californian Journal of Health Promotion

Californian Journal of Health Promotion

The [ Californian Journal of Health Promotion (CJHP)] is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, journal focusing on health education and health promotion practice, teaching, research, and issues of interest to professionals in California and the surrounding Western US states. The CJHP differs from other health education and promotion journals in that it focuses on information that has more local, rather than national or international relevance and interest, and it publishes multimedia presentations along with traditional scholarly manuscripts.

The CJHP was established in 2003 by Dr. Mark Tomita, an expert on the integration of technology into public health. The goal of the journal is to disseminate scholarly information useful to health education and health promotion practitioners, academics, and students in California and the surrounding Western USA states. The mission of the journal is to maintain a local flavor to the contentThe content areas published include:
*Professional Practice
*Theory and Research
*The Health Educator Experience - case studies of health educator, retired health educator, and health education student experiences in the field. Readers are encouraged to submit articles about their experiences. Of particular interest are articles about what health educators may experience as they contemplate retirement, and what they may experience after retirement.
*Professional Updates

Editorial Board

Editor: Jie Weiss, PhD, Department of Health Science,
California State University, Fullerton

External links

Californian Journal of Health Promotion (2007a). About Us. Retrieved February 4, 2007, from []
Californian Journal of Health Promotion (2007b). Editorial board. Retrieved February 4, 2007, from []
Californian Journal of Health Promotion (2007c). Home page. Retrieved February 4, 2007, from []

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