- Revenge of the Old Queen
"Revenge of the Old Queen" is the title of the intended third film in "
The Rocky Horror Picture Show " ("RHPS")comedy -horror musical trilogy. The script was written byRichard O'Brien in the late 1980s who had also written "RHPS" and its follow-up, "Shock Treatment ". The script features original songs, composed by O'Brien andRichard Hartley . Despite being the third storyline, it is often called "The Rocky Horror Picture Show Part Two".As was the case with "Shock Treatment", the plot of "Revenge of the Old Queen" is not completely congruent with the events of the prior movies. Both appear to be possible conclusions to the first film, relating less to one another. The new story features some of the original characters with most of the action taking place on the distant planet of
Transexual , Transylvania which was mentioned in "RHPS". The character Janet Weiss returns in addition to herillegitimate son, possibly with Brad's brother. The script takes its name from Frank-N-Furter’s mother, the Old Queen, portraying the action detailed by the title against Riff-Raff for killing her son in the first film. Although the script has not been published, bootleg copies can be read on theInternet .The script is currently owned by
Twentieth Century Fox which produced the two original films. Most individuals associated with the project, including O'Brien, agree that the film will probably never be made, owing to the failure of "Shock Treatment" and the aging of the cast.On the 08.12.2007 episode of [http://www.rockyradioonline.com Rocky Radio] they played the original demo and opening song for Revenge of the Old Queen, "The Moon Drenched Shores of Transylvania", which is considered by some to be the rarest audio track having to do with Rocky Horror.
External links
* [http://www.shocktreatmentnetwork.com/revengequeen.htm Full unproduced screenplay]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE2DA1539F930A2575AC0A967958260 At the Movies] - an article written by theNew York Times , which mentions "Revenge of the Old Queen".
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