- Laertes
Greek mythology , Laërtes ( _el. Λαέρτης) was the son ofArcesius andChalcomedusa . He was the father ofOdysseus (who was thus called Λαερτιάδης) andCtimene by his wifeAnticlea , daughter of the thiefAutolycus . Laërtes was an Argonaut and participated in the hunt for theCalydonian Boar . Laërtes's title was King of the Cephallenians, which he presumably inherited from his father Arcesius and grandfatherCephalus . His realm includedIthaca and surrounding islands, and perhaps even the neighboring part of the mainland of other Greek city-states.Another account says that Laërtes was not Odysseus's true father; rather, it was
Sisyphus , who had seduced Anticlea. [ [http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/aeolids.html#Sisyphus Corinthian line] URL accessedJanuary 20 ,2007 .]It was Laërtes who trained Odysseus in husbandry. After Odysseus and his son
Telemachus routed the suitors who had been courtingPenelope , Odysseus's wife, a number of the suitors' surviving relatives confronted them.Athena infused vigour into Laërtes, so he could help Odysseus by killingEupeithes , father ofAntinous . InRobert Fitzgerald 'stranslation of the "Odyssey ",Odysseus refers to him as King Allwoes. [Homer , "Odyssey " XXIV;Ovid , "Metamorphoses" VIII, 315.]ee also
* Laertes is a character in
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 's novel "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship ".
* Laertes was the name of a character in "Hamlet ".
* There is also anancient Greek city called "Laertes", currently inAntalya ,Turkey .References
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