

In Greek mythology Eurytion (or, alternatively, Eurythion). "widely-honoured", was a name attributed to six individuals.

*The king of Phthia, son of either Actor, or of Ctimenus, or of Irus and Demonassa, and father of Antigone (not to be confused with the daughter of Oedipus Rex). In Phthia, Peleus was purified by Eurytion for the murder of Phocus and married Antigone, Eurytion's daughter. Peleus accidentally killed Eurytion during the hunt for the Calydonian Boar and fled Phthia.
*A centaur of Arcadia who demanded to marry the daughter of Dexamenus of Olenus, either Mnesimache or Deianira, or who threatened violence against his daughter Hippolyta. Her father was forced to agree, but Heracles intervened on her behalf and killed the wild horseman.
*Another centaur, of Thessaly, who attempted to carry off the bride of Peirithous, king of the Lapiths, on their wedding day. He and his fellows were killed in the fight with the Lapiths that followed, the Centauromachy
*Son of Ares and the Hesperid Erytheia, who bore him "beside the silver-rooted boundless waters of the river Tartessus, in the hollow of a rock," according to a Strabo's quote from a lost poem of Stesichoros. He was the guardian of the cattle of Geryon and was killed by Hercules.
*A Trojan archer during the Trojan War. [Virgil. "Aeneid". Book V, 514.]
*A son of Kenethos and Cerion recognized as one of the Argonauts; he was involved in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar and was accidentally killed by Peleus.


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  • Eurytion — (griechisch Εὐρυτίων) ist in der griechischen Mythologie: Eurytion (Thessalischer Kentaur), ein Kentaur Eurytion (Arkadischer Kentaur), ein Kentaur Eurytion (Phthia), König von Phthia Eurytion (Trojaner), einer der Trojaner Eurytion (Riese) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Eurytĭon — Eurytĭon, 1) aus Phthia, Sohn Aktors, od. dessen Enkel u. Sohn des Iros, Argonaut; zu ihm kam Peleus, welchem er seine Tochter Antigone u. den dritten Theil seines Reiches gab. 2) Sohn von Ares, hütete Geryons (s.d.) Rinder u. wurde von Herakles… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • EURYTION — I. EURYTION Heracleensis, adulterii convictus; cum de eo seditiose poenas inimici sumerent, causa evertendae ibidem Oligarchiae exstitit. Aristot. l. 5. Polit. c. 6. II. EURYTION Pastor armenti Iberi, ab Hercule cum cane interfectus. Vide Orthus …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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