Le Petit Journal

Le Petit Journal

"Le Petit Journal" was a daily Parisian newspaper published from 1863 to 1944. It was founded by Moïse Polydore Millaud. In its columns were published several serial novels of Émile Gaboriau and of Ponson du Terrail.

In the 1890s, at the height of its popularity, it had a circulation of a million copies, and by 1884 the publication included a weekly illustrated supplement.

Athletic competitions

"Le Petit Journal" organized the first automobile race in history: the 1894 Paris-Rouen Horseless Carriage Competition (Concours des Voitures sans Chevaux). The race was won by Count Jules de Dion on a De Dion-Bouton.

"Le Petit Journal" also created in 1891 the Paris-Brest-Paris road cycling race.

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