Agaricus subrutilescens

Agaricus subrutilescens

color = lightblue
name = "Agaricus subrutilescens"
status =


image_width = 200px
regnum = Fungi
divisio = Basidiomycota
classis = Agaricomycetes
subclassis = Homobasidiomycetidae
ordo = Agaricales
familia = Agaricaceae
genus = "Agaricus"
species = "A. subrutilescens"
binomial = "Agaricus subrutilescens"
binomial_authority = (Kauffman) Hotson & D.E. Stuntz, (1938)
name = Agaricus subrutilescens
whichGills = free
capShape = convex

"Agaricus subrutilescens", also known as the Wine-Colored Agaricus is a mushroom of the genus "Agaricus". This mushroom is a good edible.


"Agaricus subrutilescens" has a cap which is 5-13 cm across, dry, and has many and wine to brown colored fibers, especially near the center. The gills are close and white at first, turning dark brown in age. The stalk has a skirt like ring and is 4 to 20 cm long, 1-3 cm thick, long, white, and covered with soft woolly scales. The flesh is white and does not stain, and the odor and taste is pleasant.

The purplish fibrous cap and shaggy white stem differentiate this mushroom from others which resemble it.


Found in undisturbed mixed woods in Western North America and Japan.

It grows by itself or scattered in small clusters, often under redwood, pine, or alder.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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