- Peccei-Quinn theory
particle physics , the Peccei-Quinn theory is the most famous proposed solution to thestrong CP problem , involving new massless particles calledaxion s. One may add to the QCDLagrangian a term which is CP-violating, and its parameter is known as θ parameter. However such a term has never been measured experimentally, implying that θ is either zero or very close to that. Thestrong CP problem is the quest for explanation of the vanishing of θ.Peccei-Quinn theory proposes that the θ parameter be made into a dynamic field rather than being an arbitrary constant. Since in quantum field theory, each field produces a particle, this field must correspond to a hypothetical particle known as the
axion . The potential which this field naturally obtains causes it to have a value which makes the effective θ parameter vanish.Peccei-Quinn symmetry is a possible additional ingredient - a U(1)
symmetry under which a complex scalar field is charged. This symmetry is spontaneously broken by the value obtained by this scalar field, and theaxion is the masslessgoldstone boson of this symmetry breaking. If the symmetry is agauge symmetry then the axion is "eaten up" by thegauge boson , meaning that thegauge boson becomes massive and the axion does not exist anymore as a physical degree of freedom (seeHiggs mechanism ). This is phenomenologically desirable because it leaves no massless particles, which are indeed not seen experimentally.References
* R. D. Peccei, H. R. Quinn, "Physical Review Letters", 38(1977) p. 1440.
* R. D. Peccei, H. R. Quinn, "Physical Review", D16 (1977) p. 1791-1797.
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