Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon

Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon

Infobox Military Award
name=Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon

caption=Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon
awarded_by=United States Coast Guard
eligibility=Active duty and reserve USCG personnel, paygrade E-2 through E-6
for="...the most outstanding active duty and Reserve enlisted person." CIM 1650.25C MEDALS AND AWARDS MANUAL PDFlink| [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/1000-1999/CIM_1650_25C.pdf Link] |6 MB from [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim.asp USCG Directives System, Commandant Instruction Manuals] ] CI 1650.36B COAST GUARD ENLISTED PERSON OF THE YEAR (EPOY) PROGRAM PDFlink| [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/ci/1000-1999/CI_1650_36B.pdf Link] |134 KB from [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/ci.asp USCG Directives System, Commandant Instructions] ]
established=February 16, 1999,
retroactive to 1994 [http://www.foxfall.com/fra-cgira-epoy.htm COAST GUARD ENLISTED PERSON OF THE YEAR RIBBON] information from Foxfall Medals]
higher=Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal

The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is a decoration of the United States Coast Guard which was established in 1999, though retroactive to 1994 [http://www.uscg.mil/REServe/msg03/coast041_03.htm COMDTNOTE 1650 CG PERSON/EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR RIBBON AND LAPEL PIN] dated R 241841Z JAN 03 (2003) issued by RADM KENNETH T. VENUTO, ASSISTANT COMMANDANT FOR HUMAN RESOURCES] , by order of the Commandant of the Coast Guard.

The Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon is annually awarded to two members of the Coast Guard, paygrade E-2 through E-6; the Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) and the Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year (REPOY).

The selection based on a display of pride, professionalism, and dedication to Coast Guard core values, and is made by a panel of Master Chief Petty Officers, lead by the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (MCPOCG). The decoration is a one time only award and there are no devices authorized for multiple presentations.

The Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Person of the Year was previously called the "NERA Outstanding Enlisted CG Reservist Award". Citation
last =
first =
author-link =
publication-date =
date = June 1998
year =
title = EPOY Award winners
periodical = [http://www.uscg.mil/reservist The Reservist]
series =
publication-place = Washington, D.C.
place =
publisher = Commandant, Director of Reserve & Training, U.S. Coast Guard
volume = XLV
issue = 5
pages =
url = http://www.uscg.mil/reserve/magazine/mag1998/jun1998/epoywin.htm
issn =
doi =
oclc =
accessdate = 2008-02-27

This award was based on the Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon, which is awarded by the United States Air Force. The United States Army, U.S. Navy, and United States Marines have no award equivalent to the Enlisted Person of the Year Ribbon, although do maintain similar programs for yearly recognition of outstanding enlisted personnel.


"See also: Awards and decorations of the United States military"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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