- Graz University of Technology
Graz University of Technology (German: "Technische Universität Graz", short "TU Graz") is (after
University of Graz ) the second largest university in Styria,Austria . In Austria there are two Universities of Technology, one in Graz and one in Vienna. Graz University of Technology was founded in 1811 byArchduke Johann . TUG, as the university is called by its students, is apublic university . During the summer term of 2005 approximately 8200 students were enrolled in TUG, of which 16% were from abroad. 19% of the students were female.Campus
The University does not have a single
campus , but is mainly situated on three sites in the city, two in the centre of Graz and one in the southeast of the city.
* Alte Technik (Rechbauerstrasse / Lessingstrasse)
* Neue Technik (Kopernikusgasse / Petersgasse)
* InffeldgasseHistory
1811: The Joanneum is founded by Archduke Johann. The first subjects taught were Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mineralogy, Botany and Technology.
1864: The Styrian government makes it a Technische Hochschule
1874: The Technische Hochschule is taken over by the state
1888: Opening of the Main Building (Alte Technik) by Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
1901: The Technische Hochschule is granted the right to award doctorates
1955: It is divided into three faculties
1975: It is divided into five faculties and renamed Technische Universität Graz, Erherzog-Johann Universität (University of Technology, Archduke-Johann-University)
2004: The new Austrian university law (UG 2002) is fully implemented - the university is divided into seven faculties.
The University consists of seven faculties:
* Faculty ofarchitecture consists of:
** Institute of Structural Design
** Institute of Architectural Science and Architectural Design
** Institute of History of Arts and Cultural Studies
** Institute of Urbanism
** Institute of Architectural Typologies
** Institute of Architectural Technology
** Institute of Spatial Design
** Institute of Architecture and Landscape
** Institute of Contemporary Art
** Institute of Domestic Architecture
** Institute of Building and Energy
** Institute of Architecture and Media
* Institutes of the Faculty of Civil Engineering:
** Institute of Structural Analysis
** Institute of Structural Concrete
** Institute of Steel Structures and Shell Structures
** Institute of Technology and Testing of Building Materials
** Institute of Laboratory for Structural Engineering
** Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
** Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning
** Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy
** Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
** Institute of Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering
** Institute of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
** Institute of Construction Management and Economics
** Institute of Building Construction and Industrial Architecture
** Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling
** Institute of Engineering Geology and Applied Mineralogy
** Institute of Building Informatics
** Institute of General Mechanics
** Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems
* Faculty ofmechanical engineering andeconomics
** Institute of Production Engineering
** Institute of Materials Science, Welding and Forming
** Institute of Strength of Materials
** Institute of Mechanics and Mechanism
** Institute of Thermal Engineering
** Institute of Material Handling and Logistic Systems
** Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development
** Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics
** Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery
** Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics
** Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
** Institute of Automotive Engineering
** Institute of Automotive Security
** Institute of Tool Technics for Non-Cutting Production
** Institute of Production Science and Management
** Institute of Industrial Management and Innovations Research
** Institute of General Management and Organisation
** Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology
** Institute of Engineering- and Business Informatics
* Faculty ofelectrical engineering andinformation technology
** Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics
** Institute of Electronics
** Institute of Signal Processing and Speech Communication
** Institute of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal Processing
** Institute for Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering
** Institute of Communications Networks and Satellite Communications
* Faculty of mathematical and physical sciences
* Faculty of chemistry, chemical and process engineering, and biotechnolgy
* Faculty ofcomputer science consists of:
** Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communication [http://www.iaik.tugraz.at]
** Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media
** Institute of Knowledge Management and Visualisation
** Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
** Institute of Knowledge Discovery
** Institute of Computer Vision and Graphics
** Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
** Institute of Software TechnologyTeaching
Students at TUG have a choice of 21 programmes, which are offered as diploma, bachelor, or master programmes. Graduates receive the academic degrees Bakk.techn., Bakk.rer.soc.oec., Mag.rer.soc.oec, or Diplomingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.). The doctoral programmes (Dr.techn. and Dr.rer.nat.) are offered as postgraduate programmes.
* Architecture
* Biomedical Engineering
* Chemical and Process Engineering
* Chemistry
* Civil Engineering
* Computer Science
* Earth Science
* Electrical Engineering
* Geomatics Science
* Mechanical Engineering
* Molecular Biology
* Software Development - Economy
* Technical Chemistry
* Technical Mathematics
* Technical Physics
* Technomathematics
* Telematics[as of October 06]
Facts and Figures
* Beginners: 1129
* Graduates: 903
* Federal Budget: 91.8 Mio EUR
* Income from Contractual Work: 24.9 Mio EUR
* Floor Space (m²): 170.000
* Permanet Staff: 1648
* Academic Staff: 985 (101 professors)Data as of: 2003/2004
Famous scientists
Otto Nußbaumer , broadcast pioneer
*Ferdinand Wittenbauer , mechanics and dramatist
*Nikola Tesla , famous inventor and electrical engineer
*Richard Zsigmondy , chemist (nobel prize 1926)
*Karl von Terzaghi , civil engineer and founder of soil mechanics
*Hans List , technical scientist and inventor, entepreneur
*Vincent Rijmen , one of the designers of AES
* Dr. Ing Ahmad Malayei Mechanical engineering, Project Manager of ÚNIDO Montreal Protocol BranchSpin-offs und Start-ups
Most start-ups are created by TU Graz alumni who graduate and become entrepreneurs. There are also companies that have been spun-out of the University by faculty and students, based on technology created at TU Graz; with the exeption of non-profit research spin-offs these companies need licenses through the University since implementation of the 2002 University Act in 2004 .
* [http://lamp.tu-graz.ac.at/~startupmap/explosion.php Start-up and Spin-off map] Forschungsholding TU Graz GmbH manages shares of spin-offs and is responsible for out-licensing:
* [http://www.forschungsholding.tugraz.at/ Forschungsholding TU Graz GmbH]External links
* [http://www.tugraz.at/en/ Graz University of Technology]
* [https://online.tugraz.at/ TUGonline (White pages, etc.)]
* [http://alumni.tugraz.at/ Alumni Union of TU Graz]
* [http://www.ub.tugraz.at/ Library of TU Graz]
* [http://www.ipr.tugraz.at/ Technology Exploitation Office of TU Graz]
* [http://www.haardt.net/studyinat.htm Study in Austria: A Guide]
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