- Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area
Geobox | Protected Area
name = CHKO Křivoklátsko
other_name =
category = Protected Landscape Area
image_caption = Týřov reserve in central Křivoklátsko
symbol =
etymology =
official_name =
country = Czech Republic
state =
region = Central Bohemian
region1 = Pilsen
district =
commune =
municipality =
parent =
range =
city =
landmark =
river =
location =
elevation =
prominence =
lat_d =
long_d =
highest = Těchovín
highest_elevation = 617
highest_lat_d =
highest_long_d =
lowest =Berounka River
lowest_location = Hýskov
lowest_elevation = 217
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_long_d =
length =
width =
area = 628
geology =
orogeny =
period =
biome =forest s
biome_share = 64
plant =
animal =
established = 1978
established1 = 1977
established1_type = Biosphere reserve
management = Správa CHKO Křivoklátsko
management_location = Zbečno
management_lat_d =
management_long_d =
visitation =
discovery =
ascent =
code =
category_iucn =
free =
state =
region = Central Bohemian
region1 = Pilsen
district =
commune =
municipality =
parent =
range =
city =
landmark =
river =
location =
elevation =
prominence =
lat_d =
long_d =
highest = Těchovín
highest_elevation = 617
highest_lat_d =
highest_long_d =
lowest =Berounka River
lowest_location = Hýskov
lowest_elevation = 217
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_long_d =
length =
width =
area = 628
geology =
orogeny =
period =
biome =forest s
biome_share = 64
plant =
animal =
established = 1978
established1 = 1977
established1_type = Biosphere reserve
management = Správa CHKO Křivoklátsko
management_location = Zbečno
management_lat_d =
management_long_d =
visitation =
discovery =
ascent =
code =
category_iucn =
free =
map_background = Czechia - background map.png
map_caption = Location of CHKO Křivoklátsko in the Czech Republic
map_locator =
commons =
statistics =
website =
footnotes =Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area ( _cs. Chráněná krajinná oblast Křivoklátsko, usually abbreviated as CHKO Křivoklátsko) is a Landscape Protected Area in the
Czech Republic . It lies in the western part of theCentral Bohemian Region and a small part of the north-easternPilsen Region . Most of the area belongs to the highlands of the Křivoklátská vrchovina and lies on both banks of theBerounka river.CHKO Křivoklátsko was declared in 1978 to protect a unique area with a mosaic of species rich habitats, mainly large stretches of broadleaf Central European temperate forests. Due to this fact the area was included among the UNESCO Biosphere reserves a year prior to being declared a Protected Landscape Area, in
1977 . There are many other habitats, such as dry "rock steppes" covering the tops of some hills. The area is also notable for its diverse geology, mainlyProterozoic volcanic rocks andCambrian fossil-rich slates around the village ofSkryje , which were made famous byJoachim Barrande . CHKO Křivoklátsko covers an area of Unit area|sqkm|628.The fact a that such well-preserved landscape lies very close to the Czech capital Prague is due to Křivoklátsko having been the hunting area of Czech kings and princes since the
Middle Ages . The Landscape Protected Area is named after theKřivoklát castle in the northern part of Křivoklátsko.Resources
*cite book
last = Rubín
first = Josef
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Národní parky a chráněné krajinné oblasti
publisher = Olympia
date = 2003
location = Praha
pages =
url =
doi =
id = ISBN 80-7033-808-3*cite web
last =
first =
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Křivoklátsko PLA
work = Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic
publisher =
date =
url = http://www.krivoklatsko.ochranaprirody.cz/index.php?lang=en
format =
doi =
accessdate = 2007-03-04
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