

Zanshin ( _ja. 残心) is a term used in the Japanese martial arts. It refers to a state of awareness – of relaxed alertness. The literal translation of "zanshin" is "remaining mind".

In several martial arts, "zanshin" refers more narrowly to the body's posture after a technique is executed.

In various martial arts

In "kyūdō", "zanshin" means the body posture after the loosing of an arrow; the posture is intended to reflect the higher meaning of "zanshin", which is a mental aspect maintained before, during, "and" after an action.

In "karate", "zanshin" is the state of total awareness. It means being aware of one's surroundings and enemies, and also being prepared to react

In the context of "kendō", "zanshin" is the continued state of mental alertness and physical readiness to instantly attack or respond to an attack or counter-attack by one's opponent.

During the practice of "aikidō", the usual reference "zanshin" is to focusing on the just-thrown "uke", or opponent, while holding "kamae" and maintaining awareness in case there are additional attackers.

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