- Theatre of the Relatively Talentless
The Theatre of the Relatively Talentless (T.O.R.T.) is a theatrical company that puts on musicals and other performances written, produced, directed and performed by students of the
University of Minnesota Law School . TORT is a duly registered,non-profit , campus life student organization through theUniversity of Minnesota Student Activities Office and operates under the purview of the Law School. Formed in 2002, its goal is to "provid [e] law students and faculty with a desperately needed creative outlet." By far the most visible activity that TORT engages in is the annual Law School Musical, but also may appear at various law-related functions under the aliases of "The Law School Singers" and "Law School Vocal Ambassadors."Membership in TORT is traditionally open to "all law students without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, creed, marital status, public assistance status, sexual orientation, class standing, political preferences,
bluebook ing skill, or ability to use the term "a fortiori" in a sentence." TORT is governed year-round by a 9-member Executive Board traditionally including two producers, a Law School Musical director, a music director, a technical director, a head writer, a treasurer, a VIP liaison, and a choreographer. As TORT has become more established, the cast has grown to a current size of more than 80 members. Participants are known as the TORTfeasors.Musical
Traditionally acted, written, directed, produced, and run entirely by students, the musical is an annual event held in late February or early March of each year. The event draws over a thousand audience members each year and features cameos by law school professors, deans, staff, alumni and other distinguished members of the
Minnesota legal community.The theme, which is kept a secret to all but the Executive Board until auditions, is chosen during the summer. Auditions are held during the fall semester, and the script is written and theater is reserved before spring semester.
Cast members are assigned either to lead parts or to the chorus. Chorus members may also have speaking lines, and often impersonate law school professors, staff, or administrators.
Executive Board members for the following year are elected on the night of each final performance.
Current Show
The 2009 show is currently being written. The theme will not be announced until after auditions in October/November 2008.
Past Shows
*2003: "Wizard of Fritz" - a spoof on "The Wizard of Oz", performed in the Open Book Loft in
Minneapolis, Minnesota .
*2004: "Law Wars" - a spoof on "Star Wars ", performed in theCoffman Memorial Union Theatre on the Minneapolis campus of theUniversity of Minnesota .
*2005: "Walter Wonka & the Lawyer Factory" - a spoof on "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ", performed in theSt. Paul Student Center Theatre on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota.
*2006: "West Bank Story" - a spoof on "West Side Story ", performed in the St. Paul Student Center Theatre at the University of Minnesota
*2007: "Frankenlaw" - a spoof on "Frankenstein ", performed in the Pantages Theatre in downtownMinneapolis .
*2008: "Robin Hood, Esq." - a spoof on "Robin Hood ", performed in the Pantages Theatre in downtownMinneapolis .Cameos
*Former Vice PresidentWalter Mondale ('56)
*Minnesota Supreme Court Associate JusticePaul H. Anderson ('68)
*Federal District Court Judge Joan N. Ericksen ('81)Law School
*Dean Alex Johnson
*Professor Ann Burkhart
*Professor Guy-Uriel Charles
*ProfessorJim Chen
*Professor John Matheson
*Professor Judith T. Younger2004:
*Former Vice PresidentWalter Mondale ('56)
*Then-Attorney General of MinnesotaMike Hatch ('73)
*Federal District Court Judge James M. Rosenbaum ('69)
*Hennepin County District Court Judge (then Chief Judge) Kevin S. Burke ('75)Law School
*Dean Alex Johnson
*ProfessorDale Carpenter
*Professor Maury Landsman
*Professor John Matheson
*Susan Gainen, Director, [http://www.law.umn.edu/cpdc/index.html Career & Professional Development Center]2005:
*Former Vice PresidentWalter Mondale ('56)
*Then-Hennepin CountyDistrict Attorney Amy Klobuchar (currently aU.S. Senator representingMinnesota )
*Hennepin County District Court Judge Stephen Aldrich ('71)Law School
*Dean Alex Johnson
*Associate Dean of Students Erin Keyes
*Associate Dean Jim Chen
*Professor Bradley Clary
*Professor Laura Cooper
*Professor Maury Landsman
*Professor John Matheson
*Professor Judith T. Younger
*Collins Byrd, then-Director of Admissions
*Susan Gainen, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Steve Marchese, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Linda Lokensgard, Director, Building & Events2006:
*FormerMinnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch ('73)
*Federal District Court Judge John R. Tunheim ('80)Law School
*Dean Alex Johnson
*Associate Dean of Students Erin Keyes
*Professor John Matheson
*Professor Judith T. Younger
*Professor Jim Chen
*Susan Gainen, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Vic Massaglia, Career Advisor in the Career & Professional Development Center2007:
*Former Vice PresidentWalter Mondale ('56)
*Federal District Court Judge John R. Tunheim ('80)
*Federal District Court Judge James M. Rosenbaum ('69)
*Minnesota Supreme Court Associate JusticePaul H. Anderson ('68)
*Minnesota Supreme Court Associate JusticeLorie Skjerven Gildea Law School
*Co-Dean Fred Morrison
*Co-Dean Guy-Uriel Charles
*Professor John Matheson
*Professor Judith T. Younger
*Professor Laura Cooper
*Professor Ruth Okediji
*Professor Stephen Befort
*Professor Bradley Clary
*Professor Maury Landsman
*Professor Prentiss Cox
*Susan Gainen, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Steven Marchese, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Vic Massaglia, Career Advisor, Career & Professional Development Center2008:
*Federal District Court Judge James M. Rosenbaum ('69)
*Minnesota Supreme Court Associate JusticePaul H. Anderson ('68)
*Minnesota Supreme Court Associate JusticeLorie Skjerven Gildea
*Mike Ciresi Law School
*Co-Dean Fred Morrison
*Co-Dean Guy-Uriel Charles
*Professor John Matheson
*Professor Judith T. Younger
*Professor Claire Hill
*Professor Richard Frase
*Professor Stephen Befort
*Professor Heidi Kitrosser
*Professor Laura Cooper
*Professor Prentiss Cox
*Susan Gainen, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Steven Marchese, Director, Career & Professional Development Center
*Vic Massaglia, Career Advisor, Career & Professional Development CenterTORT Alumni
*Kirby Petersen ('07)
*Trevor Helmers ('07)References
*Danny LaChance, [http://www.alumni.umn.edu/About_Campus4.html About Campus: Stage Fright] , "Minnesota Magazine", May 5, 2007.
*Elizabeth Cook, [http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2004/03/08/48688 Law students perform parody of Frankenstein] , "Minnesota Daily", March 2, 2007.
*Anna Pia Nicolas, [http://www.law.umn.edu/uploads/images/5025/Perspectives_06spring.pdf TORT Show Sings and Dances to Sell-Out] , "Perspectives", Spring 2006 (page 63).
*Megan Kadrmas, [http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2006/03/02/67417 A famous play the Law School way] , "Minnesota Daily", March 2, 2006.
*Bobak Ha'Eri, [http://www.law.umn.edu/uploads/images/5026/AlumniNews_05spring.pdf "Walter Wonka" Rocks the Casbah] , "Law Alumni News", Spring 2005 (page 53).
*Naomi Scott, [http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2005/03/04/63575 U law students put spin on 'Wonka'] , "Minnesota Daily", March 4, 2005.
*Cass Erickson, [http://www1.umn.edu/umnnews/Feature_Stories/Playtime_for_Law_School_students.html Playtime for Law School students] , UMN News, March 2, 2005.
*Emily Ayshford, [http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2004/03/08/48688 Musical pokes fun at life in the Law School] , "Minnesota Daily", March 8, 2004.External links
* [http://www.tc.umn.edu/~tort/ University of Minnesota Law School Theatre of the Relatively Talentless]
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