- Lorna McDonald
Lorna McDonald was a blonde fashion model from the Lucy Clayton agency who, in the 1960s, became famous, though anonymously, as the young woman who jumped into
Simon Dee ’s white open-topE-type Jaguar car at the end of each edition ofBBC television'schat show , "Dee Time" (1967-9) [Richard Wiseman (2006) "Whatever Happened to Simon Dee?"] ."Dee Time" closing credits
Dressed in a
mini-skirt and “kinky”-style boots, McDonald’s image was seen every Saturday evening ["Dee Time" was initially broadcast twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday, but moved to Saturday evening on 23 September 1967.] by as many as 14 million people [Wiseman, "op. cit."] as she was driven away by "Dee Time"'s host, thesports jacket ed Simon Dee.Filming
The sequence, which was overseen by the show's producer, Terry Henebery, was filmed at the entrance to the Piccadilly Plaza hotel in
Manchester , the location of "Dee Time" before it moved to London in September 1967. It was McDonald's own idea to jump over the door after being asked by Henebery if she could get into the car more quickly. The cameraman was in the boot, from where he continued to film as Dee drove McDonald around the city. At one point, McDonald appeared to be emitting a "cry of ecstasy", but, as Henebery recalled many years later, she was actually in pain because she had caught her leg under thedashboard [See Wiseman, "op.cit."] ."Bond girl" "manquée"
Simon Dee had initially risen to public attention in 1964 as the first
disc jockey (DJ) to be heard on the "pirate" stationRadio Caroline . Though his period of fame was relatively short and his subsequent move from the BBC toLondon Weekend Television catastrophic for his career, Dee typfied in many ways the spirit and "look" of the "swinging" sixties. Journalist and DJAnne Nightingale has referred to him as the "James Bond of DJs" [Quoted in Wiseman, "op.cit."] . In that sense, rather likeTania Mallet , a Lucy Claytonalumnus whose only film role was asShirley Eaton 's sister, Tilly Masterson, in the Bond movie "Goldfinger" (1964) [See Adrian Turner on "Goldfinger" (Bloomsbury Movie Guide No 2, 1998)] , McDonald fulfilled admirably the role of "Bond girl " "manquée" [Adrian Turner observed of Tania Mallet that, "if you qualify as a 'Bond Girl' by being a girl in a Bond film, then [she] qualifies. But if being a 'Bond Girl' means sleeping with Bond, thern Miss Mallet escaped by the skin of her ice-skates" "(ibid.)" In the early 1960s Mallet was a highly successful model.] .Impact and context of the Dee/McDonald sequence
McDonald's "Dee Time" sequence has been described as both “iconic” of the times [Wiseman, Introduction, "op.cit."] and a "visual cliché" that lent itself to parody (for example, by comedian
Benny Hill ) [ [http://www.screenonline.org.uk/people/id/1236614/index.html screenonline: Dee, Simon (1935-) Biography ] ] . Indeed, Dee's biographer Richard Wiseman, who was associate producer of a "one-off" revival of "Dee Time" forChannel 4 in 2003, considered that the scene was what "most people who lived in Britain during the Sixties will remember him for" [Wiseman, "op.cit."] . Fellow DJTony Blackburn illustrated this when he recalled that, having been being advised by the head of BBC's Radio 1 (which opened a week after "Dee Time" moved to London) to drive a car more in keeping with his status as a "star", he chose an E-type "partly inspired by the famous "Dee Time" titles" [Quoted in Wiseman, "op.cit."] .Wider context
The sequence was illustrative of the wider use of stylish cars, especially sports cars, in the British
mass media of the 1960s. Other examples included films, such as those of James Bond and, in 1969, "The Italian Job ", with its famous "getaway" scene; television series, including "The Avengers" and "The Saint"; and advertisements forpetrol (gasoline), notably those for National ["Getaway People Get Super National" (1965)] and Regent (featuring, in 1966-7, the Regent "cowgirl", Caroline Saunders ["Regent says that sex is the best policy": "Jackpot", May 1967] ). The 1965 film "Catch Us If You Can", an outlet for the rock group theDave Clark Five , featured a scene similar to that of Dee and McDonald in which Dave Clark droveBarbara Ferris around London in an E-type.Notes
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