Ragnar Axelsson

Ragnar Axelsson

Ragnar Axelsson, who also calls himself RAX, is a photographer born in Iceland in 1958." [http://www.argus-fotokunst.de/de/info/axelsson.html Ausstellung: Ragnar Axelsson] ".]

He has been a staff photographer of "Morgunblaðið" (Iceland's largest newspaper) since 1976.

Ragnar has done work and stories for various agencies and magazines, shooting in Iceland, the Faroes, Greenland, Indonesia, Scandinavia, and Siberia.

Ragnar has had photographs and picture essays published in "Life, National Geographic, Le Figaro, Stern, La Vanguardia, Time," and elsewhere. [" [http://www.argus-fotokunst.de/de/info/axelsson.html Ausstellung: Ragnar Axelsson] "; " [http://www.icelandicgeographic.is/travelsummit-speakers.html Speakers at the coolest Travel Summit on the Planet: Icelandic Geographic Travel Summit, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 8–10 2005] ".]

Ragnar's book "Andlit norðursins" (2004; English edition "Faces of the North" 2005) is a collection of his black and white photographs of vanishing ways of life in Iceland, the Faroes and Greenland taken over a period of fifteen years.


*"The Golden Circle." Photographs by Páll Stefánsson, Ragnar Axelsson and Mats Wibe-Lund. Reykjavík: Iceland Review, 1989.
*"Reykjavik." Reykjavík: Hagall, c 1991. ISBN 9979-81600-7. A book in color. is icon en icon
*"Faces and figures: Contemporary Scandinavian photography." New York: American Scandinavian Foundation, 2001. en icon Catalogue of an exhibition held at Scandinavia House, The Nordic Center in America, Apríl–July 2001, and elsewhere.
*Ólafsson, Guðmundur Páll. "Um víðerni Snæfells." Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2003. ISBN 9979-32421-X. is icon This book, whose title is translatable as "Through the vastness near Snæfell" (i.e. the Snæfell volcano northeast of Vatnajökull), documents an area going underwater because of the Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Project, and has photographs by Axelsson and also Friðþjófur Helgason and Jóhann Ísberg.
*"Andlit norðursins: Ísland, Færeyjar, Grænland." Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2004. ISBN 9979-3-2561-5. is icon Various translations have also appeared:
**"Faces of the North: Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland." Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2005. ISBN 9979-3-2592-5. en icon
**"Visages du nord: Islande, Féroé, Groenland." Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2005. ISBN 9979-32593-3. fr icon
**"Die Seele des Nordens. Island, Färöer, Grönland." Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2005. ISBN 9979-32561-5, ISBN 9979-32594-1. de icon


*The annual Icelandic Photojournalists Awards: More than twenty awards, including Photographer of the Year (four times) and Documentary Story of the Year (six times)
*The Oskar Barnack Prize (Leica), 2001. Honourable Mention [" [http://www.argus-fotokunst.de/de/info/axelsson.html Ausstellung: Ragnar Axelsson] "; Heiner Henninges, "Neither standard nor normal." " [http://www.leica-camera.dk/brochure/leicaworldnews.pdf LeicaWorld News] ," February 2004 (PDF).]
*Festival International de la Photo de Mer, Vannes, Grand Prix. [" [http://www.2004.photographie.com/?evtid=108544 Festival International de la Photo de Mer 2006 / Vannes] ".]


In addition to numerous group shows within Iceland:

*The Reykjavik Municipal Museum, 1990.
*"Tender is the North, visual arts from Scandinavia", Barbican Arts Centre, London, 1992.
*Visa pour l'
Perpignan, 2000; screening of North Atlantic Project.
*Rencontres d'Arles, 2001.
*"Faces and Figures: Contemporary Scandinavian Photography". Scandinavia House, New York, 2001. Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee, 2002. [" [http://www.marquette.edu/haggerty/press/scandipress.html Faces and Figures: Contemporary Scandinavian Photography] ", Marquette University. See the review by Grace Glueck, " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A02EED6133DF936A15756C0A9679C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print The Faces That Shine beneath a Midnight Sun] ", "New York Times," 25 May 2001]
*"Un Mondo ai Confini del Mondo". ClicArt, Museo Zucchi Collection, Milan, 2002. [" [http://milano.tonight.eu/evento/809/fotografie/1138 Ragnar Axelsson 'Un Mondo ai Confini del Mondo'] "; " [http://www.argus-fotokunst.de/de/info/axelsson.html Ausstellung: Ragnar Axelsson] "]
*Festival della Val d'Orcia, Italy, 2003.
*Festival International de la Photo de Mer, Vannes, France, 2003.
*Galerie Argus fotokunst, Berlin, Germany, 2004
*Altonaer Museum (Norddeutsches Landesmuseum), Hamburg, Germany, 2004
*Fnac Italie 2, Paris, 2004. [" [http://es.photography-now.com/artists/K15892.html Ragnar Axelsson: Exposiciones] ".]
*Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2004. [" [http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/archiv/ausstell/2004/norden.html Die Seele des Nordens. Fotos von Ragnar Axelsson. Ausstellung vom 26.11.2004 bis 17.12.2004] "]
*Alfred-Ehrhardt-Stiftung, Germany 2005. [" [http://www.forum-fotografie.info/a16.asp Ragnar Axelsson — Island heute /Magnús Ólafsson — Island 1907–1937] "; " [http://www.alfred-ehrhardt-stiftung.de/index.php?Ev=1132354800_1137884400_island.php Iceland: Three exhibitions: (2) Ragnar Axelsson: Iceland today] ".]
*"Faces of the North." Austurvellir, Reykjavík. [" [http://www.visitreykjavik.is/default.asp?cat_id=17&module_id=220&element_id=1702 Faces of the North] ".]
*Paris Photo 2005, Louvre, Paris." [http://www.2004.photographie.com/?autid=109553&secid= Axelsson: Agenda] ".]
*Musée de la Cohue, Vannes, 2007.
*Fnac, Milan, 2007 [" [http://www.exibart.it/profilo/eventiV2.asp/idelemento/42942 Milano - dal 26 luglio al 12 settembre 2007: Ragnar Axelsson - Islanda: il mistero della natura] ".]
*Galerie Argus fotokunst, Berlin, Germany, 2008


External links

* [http://www.rax.is/ Axelsson's site]
*Silfver, Rich. " [http://silfver.blogspot.com/2006/10/ragnar-axelssons-faces-of-north.html Ragnar Axelsson's "Faces of the North"] ". 2006. A short interview.
* [http://www.m6.is/GlobalPhotos/myndbanki.nsf/pages/eng_ragnar_axelsson.html Profile]

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