- Epaphus
Greek mythology , Epaphus (Ἔπαφος), also calledApis , was the son ofZeus and Io and a king ofEgypt .The name/word Epaphus means "Touch-born". This refers to the manner in which he was conceived, by the touch of Zeus' hand. He was born in
Euboea (Herodotus ,Strabo ) or, according to others, inEgypt , on the riverNile , after the long wanderings of his mother. He was then concealed by theCuretes , by the request ofHera , butIo sought and afterward found him inSyria .Epaphus is regarded in the myths as the founder of
Memphis, Egypt . With his wife, Memphis (or according to others,Cassiopeia ), he had one daughter, Libya. Another of his daughters bore the name ofLysianassa . [Apollod. ii. 1. §§ 3, 4, 5. § 11; Hygin. Fab. 145, 149, 275; comp. Herod. iii. 27, 28. (cited by Schmitz)]Epaphus also criticized
Phaëton 's heraldry, which prompted him to undertake his fateful journey in his fatherPhoebus ' chariot of the sun. Belus, another mythological king of Egypt, is a grandson of Epaphus.References
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