- 371 BC
By place
* A fresh peace congress is summoned at
Sparta . At the peace conference, the Spartan KingAgesilaus II (with the support ofAthens ) refuses to allow the Thebans to sign the treaty on behalf of allBoeotia . The Theban statesmanEpaminondas , who isboeotarch (one of the five magistrates of the Boeotian federation), maintains Thebes' position, even when it leads to the exclusion of Thebes from the peace treaty.
* Thebes' actions at the peace congress lead to a war between Sparta and Thebes. The Spartans have an army stationed on Thebes' western frontier, waiting to follow up their diplomatic success by a crushing military attack. However, at theBattle of Leuctra , the Theban generals,Epaminondas andPelopidas , win a decisive victory over the Spartans under the other Spartan king,Cleombrotus I (who is killed in the battle). Epaminondas wins the battle with a tactical innovation which involves striking the enemy first at their strongest, instead of their weakest, point, with such crushing force that the attack is irresistible. As a result of this battle, the Boeotian federation is saved.
*Athens does not welcome the Theban victory, fearing the rising aggressiveness of Thebes. After the Theban victory, the old alliance between the Persians and the Thebans is restored.
* With the unexpected defeat of Sparta by the Thebans, theArcadia ns decide to re-assert their independence. They rebuildMantinea , form anArcadian League and build a new federal city, Megalopolis.
*Agesipolis II succeeds his fatherCleombrotus I as king ofSparta .By topic
* It is suggested that the original
comet associated with theKreutz Sungrazers family of comets passesperihelion at this time. It is thought to have been observed byAristotle andEphorus during this year.Births
Cleombrotus I , king ofSparta (killed in theBattle of Leuctra )
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