- Opus caementicium
Opus caementicium was the Roman technique of constructing structures using
concrete . It was used from the beginning of theRoman republic through the whole history of theRoman empire .Opus caementicium, like other forms of concrete, is made from a mix of aggregate and a binder which, when mixed with water, hardens over time. In Roman times
gypsum and lime were used as binders, but volcanic dusts such as pozzolana were favored where they could be obtained. Reinforcing elements, such assteel rebar , were not used.In most usage the raw concrete surface was considered unsightly and some sort of
facing was applied. Different techniques were characteristic of different periods and included:*"
Opus incertum ": small irregular stones
*"Opus reticulatum ": small squared blocks laid in a diamond pattern
*"Opus quadratum ": regularly laid courses ofashlar s
*"Opus latericium ": regularly laid courses ofbrick
*"Opus spicatum ":brick laid in a herringbone pattern
*"Opus vittatum ": Square Tuff blocks intersected by brick bands at regular and irregular distances.
*"Opus africanum ": vertical chains of upright blocks with alternating horizontal blocks
*"Opus testaceum ": Think horizontal brick workSee also
Roman concrete References
* [http://archserve.id.ucsb.edu/arthistory/152k/concrete.html Roman Concrete]
*Roman Building By Jean-Pierre Adam, Anthony Mathews (1994)External links
* [http://www.cs.uu.nl/~wilke/aquasite/hulp/tekopusbreed.htm "Opus caementicium "Roman walls]
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