

The term, velum, derived from Latin "velum", meaning a "sail", "curtain," "awning" or "veil", has several quite separate meanings in biology:

* the locomotory and feeding organ provided with cilia found in the larval stage called the veliger or "velum-bearing" stage of bivalves, such as mussels and oysters; also a delicate membrane found on certain Protists.

* the circular membrane around the cap of a sea jelly or medusa, of class Hydrozoa, which helps with propulsion

* the veil-like membrane of immature mushrooms extending from the margin of the cap to the stem and torn by growth, revealing the gills of a mature sporophore; in a mature mushroom, the remains of the velum may form an "annulus" or ring around the stem, familiar from common button mushrooms and sometimes on the margin of the cap.

* the soft palate behind the hard palate

* the superior medullary velum

* a thin flap of tissue completely or partially covering the adaxial wall of the sporangium in species of Isoetes

* Velum is also a common misspelling of vellum, calfskin (or sometimes the skins of other animals) that is similar to parchment and that is used as medium for writing, book printing, and book binding. Today, leatherette, leather, cloth or paper are more commonly used, but vellum is still used occasionally.

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  • velum — velum …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • vélum — vélum …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • vélum — ou velum [ velɔm ] n. m. • 1872; lat. velum « voile » ♦ Grande pièce d étoffe servant à tamiser la lumière ou à couvrir un espace sans toiture. « Le velum de toile, tendu sous les vitres du plafond, tamisait le soleil » (Zola). Des vélums. ●… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • velum — vélum ou velum [ velɔm ] n. m. • 1872; lat. velum « voile » ♦ Grande pièce d étoffe servant à tamiser la lumière ou à couvrir un espace sans toiture. « Le velum de toile, tendu sous les vitres du plafond, tamisait le soleil » (Zola). Des vélums.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • velum — VÉLUM s.n. 1. Pânză mare care acoperă un circ, o barcă. v. velarium. 2. (zool.) Formaţie sau structură membranoasă asemănătoare unui văl, prezentă la meduze, unele larve etc., în apropierea cavităţii bucale. [< lat. velum]. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • velum — vȅlum m DEFINICIJA anat. 1. stražnje, meko nepce 2. meteor. pridruženi oblak: to je sloj niskog ili srednjeg slojastog oblaka u obliku prostranog vela kad ga probiju oblaci vertikalnog razvoja 3. crkv. pokrivač preko ramena što ga nosi svećenik… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • velum — 1771, from L. velum “a sail, awning, curtain, covering” (see VEIL (Cf. veil)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Velum — Ve lum, n.; pl. {Vela}. [L., an awning, a veil. See {Veil}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) Curtain or covering; applied to various membranous partitions, especially to the soft palate. See under {Palate}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) See {Veil}, n.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Velum — (lat.), 1) Schleier, s.d.; 2) so v.w. Schleier der Pilze; 3) V. palatīnum, Gaumenvorhang, s.u. Gaumen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Velum [1] — Velum (lat., »Segel«), das Wimpersegel der Schnecken (s. d., S. 916); auch der muskulöse Randsaum der Hydromedusen (s. d.); V. palatīnum, das Gaumensegel (s. Gaumen) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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