

The Brutalists is a literary movement formed by three writers from the north of England, Tony O'Neill, Adelle Stripe and Ben Myers in 2006. The Brutalists may be the first literary movement to be launched via MySpace where it announced itself with the following manifesto:

"Brutalism calls for writing that touches upon levels of raw honesty that is a lacking from most mainstream fiction. We cannot simply sit around waiting to be discovered — we would rather do it ourselves. Total control, total creativity. The Brutalists see ourselves as a band who have put down their instruments and picked up their pens and scalpels instead."

"The only maxim we adhere to is an old punk belief, which we have bastardized for our own means: Here’s a laptop. Here’s a spell-check. Now write a novel."

"Brutalist writing is open to anyone who shares similar ideas about the role of literature."

Brutalist works include "Digging The Vein", "Down and Out on Murder Mile","Seizure Wet Dreams", and "Songs From The Shooting Gallery" by Tony O'Neill, the 'Straight From The Fridge' blog edited by Adelle Stripe, and "The Book Of Fuck" and "The Missing Kidney" by Ben Myers.Their debut publication 'Nowhere Fast' was released as a chapbook on Captains of Industry Press in 2007.

External links

*O'Neill, Tony. "Digging The Vein", Wrecking Ball Press, UK First Edition, 2007. ISBN - 978-1903110188 []
*O'Neill, Tony. "Songs From The Shooting Gallery", Burning Shore Press, US First Edition, 2007. ISBN - 978-0976885924 []
*Myers, Ben. "The Book Of Fuck", Wrecking Ball Press, UK First Edition, 2004. ISBN - 978-1903110157 []
* [ The Brutalists' MySpace home]
* [,,2007744,00.html Article about The Brutalists on "The Guardian" online edition]
* [ Brutalist poetry on 3:AM Magazine]
* [ Brutalist weblog]
* [ Wrecking Ball Press, the UK Publishers of 'The Book of Fuck' and 'Digging The Vein]
* [ Article about The Brutalists and Offbeat Generation on "The Guardian" online edition]
* [ Dogmatika Interview by Darran Anderson]
* [ Captains of Industry Press, UK publishers of The Brutalists]

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