Separate but Equal

Separate but Equal

"Separate But Equal" is a 1991 American television movie depicting the landmark Supreme Court desegregation case "Brown v. Board of Education", based on the phrase "Separate but equal".

The film starred Sidney Poitier as lead NAACP attorney Thurgood Marshall, Richard Kiley as Chief Justice Earl Warren, Burt Lancaster as lawyer John W. Davis (loser of Briggs v. Elliott), Cleavon Little as lawyer & judge Robert L. Carter, and Lynne Thigpen as Ruth Alice Stovall.This was viewed by many

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*imdb title|id=0102879|title=Separate But Equal

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  • separate but equal — sep·a·rate but equal / se prət , pə rət / n: the doctrine set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court that sanctioned the segregation of individuals by race in separate but equal facilities but that was invalidated as unconstitutional see also brown v.… …   Law dictionary

  • Separate but equal — is a set phrase denoting the system of segregation that justifies giving different groups of people separate facilities or services with the declaration that the quality of each group s public facilities remain equal.United StatesThe American… …   Wikipedia

  • Separate but equal — (engl. für „getrennt aber gleich“) galt in den Vereinigten Staaten als sozialer und juristischer Grundsatz, der von 1896 bis 1954 in den Südstaaten den als Rassentrennung bezeichneten Umgang mit der afroamerikanischen Minderheit und das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • separate but equal — adjective : of, relating to, or constituting a doctrine of segregation whereby Negroes and whites have equal facilities (as for education or transportation) the separate but equal doctrine has been directly challenged and the Supreme Court has… …   Useful english dictionary

  • separate but equal — pertaining to a racial policy by which blacks may be segregated if granted equal opportunities and facilities, as for education, transportation, or jobs. * * * …   Universalium

  • separate but equal — A doctrine, since repudiated, which justifies the segregation of races, particularly the white and black races in the public schools, where the accommodations and facilities provided are equal in service and comfort. Anno: 38 ALR2d 1188; 94 L Ed… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • equal protection of the law — equal protection of the law: equal protection Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. equal protection of the law …   Law dictionary

  • equal — 1 adj [Latin aequalis, from aequus level, equal] 1: like in quality, nature, or status 2: like for each member of a group, class, or society 3: regarding or affecting all objects in the same way: impartial equal 2 …   Law dictionary

  • Equal Protection Clause — The Equal Protection Clause, part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, provides that no state shall… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Separate Car Act — The Separate Car Act (Act 111 [Hasian Jr., p. 12] ) is a law passed by the Louisiana State Legislature in 1890 which required equal, but separate train car accommodations for Blacks and Whites.Margo, p. 68] History The Reconstruction period and… …   Wikipedia

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